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[[preprinted]] 4, Thurlestone Road,
Newton Abbot,
Devon. [[/preprinted]]
Notes. [[underlined]] Theoretically N. rupifes [[/underlined]] ought to be par. on one of the [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] tarsata [[/underlined]] group, like its allies & it is curious that it should (at least normally) have [[transvered?]] its attacks to the [[underlined]] fuscipes-denticulata [[/underlined]] group. A closely allied species occurs on the Continent with [[underlined]] Andrena nitidiuscula [[/underlined]] & might possibly be in S. England. That [[underlined]] Andrena [[/underlined]], as you know, is closely allied to [[underlined]] chrysosceles [[/underlined]] & is [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] one of ^ [[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] group with [[male symbol]] yellow clypeus, though unfortunately itself has a black one!
Your [[underlined]] pubescens [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] sculpture I take to be pathological, other wise it would make a new race or subsp.! It is [[strikethrough]] other wise [[/strikethrough]] in other respects like many I have seen, though the species is variable & Morice called some [[underlined]] pubescens [[/underlined]] Shuckard & some [[underlined]] inermis [[/underlined]] Th.
The [[underlined]] Pamphilius [[/underlined]], like others I have seen, does not [[view?]] out well in Enslin, but I take it to be a submelanic var. of [[underlined]] pallipes [[/underlined]], [[strikethrough]] especi [[/strikethrough]] unless you caught it in a birch-less locality! It is quite likely that [[underlined]] Br. pallipes [[/underlined]] are more or less racially distinct [[insertion]] [[underlined]] from the Continental. [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]] 
[[underlined]] Emphytus carpini [[/underlined]] Morice & Enslin were very weak on the [[2 male symbols]] of these, as Br. [[underlined]] carpini [[/underlined]] do not (at least as a rule) have  [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] white tegulae! & [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Enslin's  general descriptions of these Emphyti are very [[strikethrough]] weak [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] insufficient [[/insertion]]. [[underlined]] Tener & carpini [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] were habitually mixed by Morice & I have no specimens for actual comparison, but the 3rd ant. joint of [[underlined]] carpini [[/underlined]] is less stout & different from that of [[underlined]] tener [[/underlined]] & (as Enslin says) the latter has practically simple, [[underlined]] carpini [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] pallipes [[/underlined]] more or less [[strikethrough]] [[bident?]] [[/strikethrough]] bifid claws.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Taken a couple of words out of [[?]] that I agreed with. I think it's good to complete as the few [[?]] left are strikethroughs and I believe unsolvable. -@siobhanleachman