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[[written on reverse of previous page]]

Here is the list:
1st row (across)
[[underlined]] Pachynematus [[/underlined]] [[symbol?]] ^[[R.C. Faris 198. Sandpit, Arra Rd. Co. CV. 4.6.33]] of [[underlined]] clitellatus [[/underlined]] group. in my M.S. tables given as [[underlined]] sp? [[/underlined]] (under heading 5). Morice named such specimens [[excise mark]] [[underlined]] clitellatus [[/underlined]] simply on the colour of the tegulae. The [[?fovea]] or impression in the process of 8th tergite is the ^[[real]] important structure in this form & has not been noticed of Enslin or others. Its [[Venus symbol signifying female]] is probably some thing at present included under [[underlined]] clitellatus [[/underlined]] [[Venus symbol signifying female]] [[double underlined]] 2 [[/double underlined]] [[symbol?]] [[underlined]] Blennocampa [[/underlined]] ^[[Raheen, WI.✓ 14.5.34.✓]] tenuicornis, [[underlined]] 2 [[Venus symbol signifying female]] of [[underlined]] clitellatus [[/underlined]] ^[[Saltmarsh, Youghal, EC. J.N. Halbert Aug. 1933.]] group [the first would run to [[underlined]] clitellatus [[/underlined]] in Enslin, the second to [[underlined]] diaphanus [[/underlined]]! but they easily might be one [[strikethrough]] vars of one species] [[underlined]] Blennocampa [[?purilla]] [[underlined]] ^[[Kilcarry, CW. 21.5.34.]] purilla [[underlined]] [[symbol?]], [[underlined]] Cladius pectinicornis [[/underlined]] [[Venus symbol signifying female]] ^[[Slade y Saggart, Du. 6.6.34✓]]
2nd row across.
Pristiphora geniculata ^[[on Mt. Ash! above fall, [[?]] - [[?]] WI. 7.6.34.✓]] [[Venus symbol signifying female]], [[underlined]] Sphec. variegatus [[/underlined]] ^[[English!]] [[symbol]], [[underlined]] [[Amaurornis?]] [[/underlined]] ^[[Clara, WI. 22.4.34✓]] [[underlined]] tunicatus [[/underlined]] [[Venus symbol signifying female]] of my list [Enslin says [[?mesonotum]] finely & [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] densely punctured with which I don't agree] [[underlined]] Platycampus [[/underlined]] [[insert]] Powerscourt Dpk. [[tick]] [[tick]] 8.6.34. [[underlined]] [[?luricliventris]] [[/underlined]] [[?symbol]], [[underlined]] [[?Diniura]] stilata [[/underlined]] [[insert]] Powerscourt Dpk. 8.6.34. [[?symbol]] var. D. [[insert]] Powerscourt Dpk. 15.6.34. testaceips [[Venus symbol signifying female]] var. [? are these more than [[insert]] colour vars of [[/insert]] a single species?] 

3rd row:
[[underlined]] Priophorus [[/underlined]] fadi ^[[Crosskeys, ME. 10.6.34.]] [[?symbol]] [[underlined]] 2 Lygaeon [[/underlined]] ^[[Trim. ME. 10.6.34.]] [[underlined]] laricio [[/underlined]] [[?symbol]] , [[underlined]] Selandria [[/underlined]] ^[[S. of Headly Bridge, Co. NK. 28.6.34]] [[underlined]] temporalis [[/underlined]] [[?symbol]] [[underlined]] Pteronidea [[/underlined]] ^[[?Co an, Glen of Imaal W1. 17.6.34]] [[underlined]] hyposcantha [[/underlined]] [[?symbol]], I think - difficult without specimens for comparison - [[underlined]] Pteronidea ferruguinea [[/underlined]] var. [[?symbol]] Looks to me like other [[underlined]] small [[??ed]] specimens I have had of this. Not the least like any [[underlined]] [[?polyspila]]  [[underlined]] I ever saw, & I could not have named it so, I am sure. Probably has been some mix up of specimens.