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5.5.1935 cont. N. of Sallins, Co. KD, cont.
1 = Canal bank & marsh S. of Devonshire Bridge
2 = Plantation belt beside Canal, 1/2 mile below ry. bridge.
[[horizontal line]]
Aculeates not specially looked for & only addition to those seen on 28/4/35 was:-
[[underlined]] Bombus distinguendus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] twice seen in marsh by canal at S. end of plantation, very fresh.
[[underlined]] Dolerus palustris [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] in marsh
[ [[underlined]] D. madidus [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] ferrugatus [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]] seen in marsh with red on mesonotum.]
[[underlined]] D. gessneri [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] in marsh
[[underlined]] D. oblongus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] latter at 2, taken on tree trunk.
[[underlined]] D. haematodes [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] D. aeneus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]].
[[underlined]] D. nigratus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Empria [[/underlined]] spp 2 [[2 female symbols]], 1 [[female symbol]].

[[underlined]] Blennocampa tenuicornis [[/underlined]] ?? 2 [[2 male symbols]], 1 [[female symbol]]

[[underlined]] Exephanes [[/underlined]] - 1 [[female symbol]] in marsh.

[[underlined]] Phaeogenes [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]], red.
[[underlined]] Hemiteles [[/underlined]] various spp. 4 [[2 male symbols]] carded: one nice, black legs, sculptured abd.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


5.5.1935 cont. N. of Sallins, Co. KD. cont.
Cryptus? large black [[male symbol]] at 1.
[[underlined]] Pimpla flavicornis [[/underlined]] ? 3 [[2 male symbols]] at 2. [[underlined]] P. vericornis [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]] at 1 [[insertion]] (carded). [[/insertion]]

[[underlined]] Mesoleptus [[/underlined]] ? 2 exx.

[[underlined]] Thersilochus [[/underlined]] ? 2 [[2 male symbols]]: 2 spp.
Campoplegids 9 or 10, [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]].

[[underlined]] Dacnusa [[/underlined]] sp. [[underlined]] "palldistigma" [[/underlined]] mihi [[insertion]] - subsequently referred to [[underlined]] D. aphanta [[/underlined]] Marshall by Nixon [[/insertion]] 4 [[2 male symbols]], 4 [[2 female symbols]] in marsh (some sent to Nixon!)
[[underlined]] D. talaris [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]] ^ [[insertion]] 33 jointed antennae [[/insertion]] swept off glycinia by canal lock below plantation.
[[underlined]] Gyrocampa uliginosa [[/underlined]] var with striate base to 2nd segment. at 1 (?)
[[underlined]] Alloea contracta [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] at 1
[[underlined]] Phaenocarpa conspurcator [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]] swept over cow-dung at 1.
[[underlined]] Aphidius [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]].

[[underlined]] [[Phenoseyrphus?]] [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Sceleo [[/underlined]] swept at 1, several, &c.
Trichopria? 2 spp.

Platygaster ?
"Wingless" Chalcid.

Transcription Notes:
Several [[?]] on the right page. Also, "Sceleo" (right page) is probably a misspelling of "Scelio". -@mnathan Reviewed. Agreed with [[belt?]] so have taken out of brackets. Think I've solved a couple of [[?]] on second page including "P. vericornis", 2 "exx", "mihi". As regards [[Phenoseyrphus?]] Stelfox may mean Phaenoserphus? -@siobhanleachman