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14/5/35. Bagenalstown - Borris demesne, cont. Co. CW.

[[underlined]] Crabro vagus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] on log, at S.W. corner of Borris demesne.
[[underlined]] Athalia [[/underlined]] sp. abundant in Borris demesne. [[underlined]] Loderus vestigialis [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]].
[[underlined]] Empria [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]], with last. [[underlined]] Blennocampa [[/underlined]] ? [[insertion]] - [[underlined]] tenuicornis teste [[/underlined]] R.B. Benson 11.3.43. [[/insertion]] 1 [[female symbol]] with last.
[[underlined]] Cratichneumon [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] [[insertion]] - but none taken! [[/insertion]] abundant, probably mostly [[underlined]] C. fabricator [[/underlined]]

Cryptid 1 [[male symbol]], red, black legs. [[insertion]] Wall Butterfly seen at [[underlined]] Borris bridge [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]]
[[underlined]] Hemiteles [[/underlined]] spp.? 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]]

[[underlined]] Pimpla inquisitor [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] common. [[underlined]] P. [[/underlined]] small [[male symbol]] cf. [[underlined]] nucum [[/underlined]] or "sp. M".
[[underlined]] Homocidus obscuripes [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]]
Mesoleptus: 1
Campoplex red & black sp. common: 1 kept. [[underlined]] Meloboris [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Angitia [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Helictes [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]].

Opius [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] cf. [[underlined]] lugens [[/underlined]] Hal. [[underlined]] Euphorus picipes [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Rhogas circumscriptus [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] Microplitis [[/underlined]] ?
[[underlined]] Dacnusa areolaris [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]], 2 or 3 only swept: not kept. [[underlined]] Aspilota [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Chaenusa conjugens [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] Chalcid [[/underlined]] with pointed tail.

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15th.5.35. Dull & drizzly after 11 AM. getting gradually heavier & collecting impossible after 3 PM. Very cold, windy! Carriglead wood, left bank of R. Barrow, between 2 & 3 miles below Graiguenamanagh, Co. CW. [NB. This is R.A. Phillips's station for [[underlined]] Trichomanes radicans [[/underlined]] !].
Mostly collected with sucker, some beaten before rain, from under leaves of beech, oak, chestnut, &c.
[[underlined]] Aphelopus melaleucus [[/underlined]] ? [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] abundant under leaves, especially beech.
[[underlined]] Selandria stramineipes [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]].

Phaeogenes. black [[female symbol]], [[?]] coxae
Cryptids 2 small red [[2 male symbols]].

Pimpla turionellae group 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Pimpla inquisitor [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]], in cop., beaten off beech. Another [[female symbol]], also beaten, with deformed terebra [[image - presumably a drawing of terebra]]
[[underlined]] Acrodactyla madida [[/underlined]] 3 [[2 male symbols]] (carded); also 1 [[female symbol]].

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Agreed with transcription of [[teste?]], [[NB?]], [[beaten?]] so taken out of brackets. -@siobhanleachman