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9.6.35 cont. Bahana Wood & St. Mullins, CW, cont.

[[underlined]] Ascogaster [[/underlined]] rufipes [[male symbol]] ?.

[[underlined]] Apanteles [[/underlined]], 1 [[male symbol]], cf. [[underlined]] pallidipes [[/underlined]] Ratz. but no central keel on propodeum
[[underlined]] Microctonus [[/underlined]], larger [[female symbol]], 27-jointed antennae; near to [[underlined]] M. xanthocephalus [[/underlined]] Marshall
[[underlined]] M. [[/underlined]], smaller [[female symbol]], 23-jointed antennae; near to [[underlined]] M. cultus [[/underlined]] Marsh.
[[underlined]] Opius analis [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]], antennae broken at tips, but 39-joints remaining.

[[underlined]] Alysia incongrua [[/underlined]] ? 1 large [[male symbol]], with 42-jointed antennae.

[[underlined]] Aspilota praecipua [[/underlined]] 1 fine [[female symbol]], with 31-jointed antennae.
Aspilota - 1 [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] A. [[/underlined]] ([[underlined]] Synaldis [[/underlined]]) 1 [[female symbol]].
Dacnusa [[strikethrough]] cf [[underlined]] "talaris [[/underlined]] I [[Nixon?]]" [[/strikethrough]] 1 [[female symbol]] = [[underlined]] D nydia [[/underlined]] Nixon, fide Nixon, 25.2.1938! AWS.
D. sp.? 1 [[female symbol]], Smaller than last, with recurrant [[?]] "pointing toward inner angle of 2nd cubital cell" but not quite interstitial, sternauli crenate.
Proctos. 3 spp.

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10th June 1935. After a wet night & fine early morning a drizzle started at 11 AM & at noon developed into a downpour, without wind, warm; then S.W. wind sprang up & cleared off the "jam" but made collecting difficult & smears of rain kept vegetation too wet to sweep. Except in morning few insects out, but many collected with sucker from under leaves of beech, elm, laurel &c. during the heaviest rain about noon in Borris demesne (S.W corner!) by river, & immediately after it cleared & some hot sun bursts prevailed; later in aft. a good many insects taken in demesne woods about a mile below Borris bridge & just below bridge leading from boat-house to river under tow path.
Borris demesne, Co. CW.
SW corner, where "Black River" flows into R. Barrow = 1
Woods near boat house further up river = 2.
[[underlined]] Bombus agrorum [[/underlined]] several [[2 virgin female symbols]] seen at 2
[[underlined]] Psithyrus quadricolor [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] taken, another two seen at 2.
[[underlined]] Nomada marshamella [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] at 1
[[underlined]] Gorytes mystaceus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] at 1
[[underlined]] Vespa [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] seen (like [[underlined]] V. vulgaris [[/underlined]]): only [[underlined]] Vespa [[/underlined]] seen during the week-end.
[[underlined]] Crabro vagus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] on log where [[male symbol]] taken on 14th May.