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Department of Entomology
British Museum (Natural History)
Cromwell Road,
London, S.W.7.

[[British Museum (Natural History) insignia]]

[[National Scheme for Disabled Men insignia]]

Kensington 6323,

Southkens, London.


Dear Mr Stelfox

Your ants are -

[[underlined]] A.(D.) niger [[/underlined]] L. var. [[underlined]] [[alieno?]]-niger [[/underlined]] For., & [[underlined]] A.(E) umbratus [[/underlined]] Nyl var. [[underlined]] [[mixbo?]]-umbratus [[/underlined]] For.
the second has the high scale of [[underlined]] umbratus [[/underlined]] darker colour of [[underlined]] [[mixtus?]] [[/underlined]] & some small [[?]] hairs on the tibiae etc.
These intermediate forms are very interesting see Brit Ants (2nd Edtn) p 273 - 4
Yes the new ant is vy exciting I am describing it & hope to go after it at Whitsuntide.

Yours sincerely
Horace Donisthorpe

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of the exact species names given. Can't seem to track them down. Need an ant expert. -@siobhanleachman See for the book "British Ants" though it doesn't appear to be the second edition as the text doesn't appear to relate to the topic discussed in the letter. See p273 -@siobhanleachman