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8.9.35 cont. Slade of Saggart, DU. cont.
[[underlined]] Bracon erraticus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] B. discoideus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] [[bracket enclosing this and previous line]] both swept amongst [[underlined]] Centaurea nigra [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Collastes braconius [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & 2 [[2 female symbols]], examined.
[[underlined]] Sigalphus caudatus [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Rhogas [[/underlined]] black   several = [[underlined]] R. tristis [[/underlined]] 3 [[2 male symbols]].
[[underlined]] R. [[/underlined]] testaceous sp. red pleurae 1 [[female symbol]].

[[underlined]] Meteorus ictericus [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] M. filator [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]].
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Euphorus [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Blacus ruficornis [[/underlined]] ? 1 small [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]].

[[underlined]] Macrocentrus infirmus [[/underlined]] 4 [[2 female symbols]].

[[underlined]] Opius [[/underlined]] sp. ? 1 [[female symbol]], agrees well with [[underlined]] victus [[/underlined]] Hal. except for broad stigma!
[[underlined]] O. [[strikethrough]] ochrogaster [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] cingulatus [[/insertion]] ? 2 [[2 male symbols]] (small) & 3 [[2 female symbols]] (larger). [[underlined]] O. sp. [[/underlined]] ? 1 small [[male symbol]], testaceous abd.
[[underlined]] O. [[/underlined]] cf. [[underlined]] pymaeator [[strikethrough]] - [[/strikethrough]] apiculator [[/underlined]] 5. + another [[female symbol]].

[[underlined]] Dacnusa adducta [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]], 2 [[2 female symbols]]. [[underlined]] D. lateralis [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]], 4 [[2 female symbols]]
D. "Common black [[underlined]] lateralis [[/underlined]], Nixon" ? 2 [[2 male symbols]] (?)
[[underlined]] D. "pallidistigma" [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]. D. sp.? like small [[underlined]] talaris [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] = [[underlined]] D. melanocera [[/underlined]] Thoms. fide Nixon in litt. dated 18.5.1936! AWS. [[/insertion]] 11 [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]], also 1 small [[male symbol]] ? same sp.
[[underlined]] D. ( [[strikethrough]] "senilis" 1 bald-headed? [[/strikethrough]] ) [[insertion]] = sp. near [[underlined]] senilis [[/underlined]] fide Nixon 4/4/38. = [[underlined]] D. glabra [[/underlined]] Nixon [[underlined]] in litt. [[/underlined]] dated 30.8.1943 AWS. 5.9.43 [[/insertion]] [[female symbol]] & 1 smaller [[female symbol]], with all red legs!
[[underlined]] Gyrocampa uliginosa [[/underlined]] ? 1 tiny [[female symbol]].

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

8.9.35 cont. Slade of Saggart, DU. cont.
[[underlined]] Aspilota cratocera [[/underlined]] ? 1 large [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] A. [[/underlined]] various spp. (cf. "sp. 4=5", sp. "4=3", [[underlined]] fulvicornis [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] crassifemur [[/underlined]]) 3 [[2 male symbols]], 3 [[2 female symbols]].
[[underlined]] Ephedrus validus [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]]
[[underlined]] Praon abjectum [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]], very minute, scarcely 1/2 a line, with 13-jointed antennae.
[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Aphidius [[/strikethrough]] " [[ditto for: Praon]] volucre [[/underlined]] 1 [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] very [[?]] [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Proctos. [[/underlined]] Many!

[[line across page]]
13th Sept. 1935. A very bright sunny day, warm, but very strong SW. wind, after poor weather.
[[underlined]] Glenasmole, Co. DU. [[/underlined]] 3 till 4.30 PM.
All insects swept under trees along NW end of lower reservoir or in fields just below lower dam, where the only shelter was to be found.
[[underlined]] Bombus terrestris [[/underlined]] 1 very fine fresh [[female symbol]] seen on bramble.
[[underlined]] B. agrorum [[/underlined]] frequent at Scabiosa &c.
[[underlined]] B. muscorum [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] (or [[virgin female symbol]]) seen.
[[underlined]] Halictus caleatus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] swept.

Transcription Notes:
Collastes braconius = Colastes braconius. O. pymaeator = Opius pygmaeator. -@mnathan Reviewed. Took [[43?]] out of brackets as agreed with transcription. -@siobhanleachman Reviewed; corrected "Bracon discoideas" to Bracon discoideus and "Aspilota crassifemus" to Aspilota crassifemur. -@mnathan