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22nd March 1936 [cont.].
Two [[2 female symbols]] of [[underlined]] Ichneumon latrator [[/underlined]], one macropterous, the other var. [[underlined]] means [[/underlined]], shaken out of same tuft of grass at St. Anne's, Clontarf, Co. DU. by E. O'Mahony.

[[line across page]]
29th March 1936. A fine warm sunny day spoiled by strong SW wing, with frequent gusts reaching almost gale force, so that no insects could fly except in a few sheltered spots.
Glenasmole, Co. DU. 11.30 till 3.0 P.M.
Coombs E. of lower reservoir, as before.
[[underlined]] Bombus terrestris [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] searching in scrub.
[[underlined]] B. lucorum [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] searching in 3rd coomb.
[[underlined]] Andrena clarkella [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] frequent & in many places & several [[2 female symbols]] on [[female symbol]] willow between 2nd & 3rd coomb.
[[underlined]] A. apicata [[/underlined]] a few [[2 male symbols]] only seen.
[[underlined]] A. gwynana [[/underlined]] a few [[2 male symbols]] only seen.
[[underlined]] Nomada leucophthalma [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] on dandelion in 2nd coomb.
[[underlined]] Amauronematus [[/underlined]] viduus 1 [[female symbol]] swept (? off willow) between 2nd & 3rd coomb
[[underlined]] Earinus [[/underlined]] large sp. [[2 male symbols]] frequent.
Peacock & Tortoiseshell Butterflies seen.
Larva of [[underlined]] aurinia [[/underlined]] out on webs, where none on 22nd.
[[sideways on page margin]] [[underlined]] Chiff-chaffs numerous! [[/underlined]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

5th April 1936. All sunny, with keen E. wind: very hot in shelter, but few insects out.
Coombes on E. side of Lower Reservoir, Glenasmole, Co. DU., as usual.
11-30 till 4.0 P.M.
[[underlined]] Bombus terrestris [[/underlined]] (1) & [[underlined]] B. lucorum [[/underlined]], many [[2 female symbols]] latter.
[[underlined]] B. jonellus [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]] at [[underlined]] Salix [[/underlined]].
[[underlined]] Andrena gwynana [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] common, a few fresh [[2 female symbols]].
[[underlined]] A. apicata [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] frequent on posts, &c. none seen at nesting sites & no [[2 female symbols]] seen till late aft. when 2 seen at Salix.
[[underlined]] A. clarkella [[/underlined]] a few [[2 male symbols]] playing about; a few [[2 female symbols]] at [[underlined]] Salix [[/underlined]].
[[underlined]] Nomada leucophthalma [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] common at "bee-banks" & [[2 male symbols]] playing about several places in shelter & alighting on dried grass, &c.
[No [[underlined]] Halicti [[/underlined]] seen all day]
[[underlined]] Salius fuscus [[/underlined]] several [[2 male symbols]] & 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Dolerus rugosulus [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbols]] at head of small grassy coomb.

[[underlined]] Amauronematus viduatus [[/underlined]] ? 2 [[2 male symbols]] at [[underlined]] Salix [[/underlined]] in "[[underlined]] Salix [[/underlined]] glade"

[[underlined]] Thersilochus [[/underlined]] 2 spp.? [[insertion]] - Mtd on one card 1 [[male symbol]], 5 [[2 female symbols]] [[/insertion]] as usual at [[underlined]] Salix [[/underlined]], but [[2 female symbols]] more common than usual & out of four taken at random 3 were [[2 female symbols]].
[[underlined]] Earinus [[/underlined]] large sp. 1 [[male symbol]]
[[sideways on page margin]] [[underlined]] Sand Martins [[/underlined]] over river above Forth Bridge & [[underlined]] Willow Warblers [[/underlined]] higher up.