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20th April 1936. A bright sunny day; but with cold N. wind, after a very wet night! hills all freshly covered with snow. Left Kingsbridge by 9.30 AM. train for Portarlington, with bicycle, & then rode to Emo Park, where spent some hours in old gravel pit & on bogs at N.E. corner of the old demesne.
Gravel pit [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] & bog [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]], N.E. of [[underlined]] Emo Park, Co. QC. [[/underlined]] 11.30 till 3.0 P.M.

Bombus lucorum [[2 female symbols]] common at 2.
[[underlined]] B. terrestris [[/underlined]] several [[2 female symbols]] at 2.
[[underlined]] Andrena nigroaenea [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] abundant & two [[2 female symbols]], all fresh, at 1.
[[underlined]] A. praecox [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] at 2, flying over heather &c.
[[underlined]] A. albicans [[/underlined]] a few [[2 male symbols]] at 1. [[underlined]] A. minutula [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] each at 1 & 2. on Salix & Taraxacum
[A. gwynana [[2 female symbols]] on [[underlined]] Taraxacum [[/underlined]] by road near [[underlined]] Portarlington! [[/underlined]] ]
[[underlined]] Halictus rubicundus [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] at 1. [[underlined]] H. freygessneri [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]] at 1.
[ H. [[underlined]] calceatus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] by road from Portarlington!]
[[underlined]] Sphecodes divisus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
[[underlined]] Nomada leucophthalma [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] at 2; 1 [[female symbol]] at 1, with all red scutellum.
[[underlined]] N. fabriciana [[/underlined]] 1 fine [[female symbol]] at 1, others seen
[[underlined]] Salius fuscus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] at 1 & 1 [[female symbol]] also seen.
[[underlined]] Xyela julii [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]], about 15 or 20, swept off male Sallow bushes just past their best flowering, at 2. More taken at [[female symbol]] bushes!
[[underlined]] Thersilochus [[/underlined]] ? several [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] at 2.
[Still no Swallows!]
22.4.1936. E. O'Mahony collected a brown pensile cocoon of [[underlined]] Meteorus [[/underlined]] in St. Anne's, Clontarf, Co. DU. from which emerged on 8.5.36 a [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] M. punctiventris [[/underlined]] ??

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26th April 1936. A poor day, with heavy hail (snow on hills!) showers at frequent intervals & even though hot sun-bursts between showers practically no insects out.
Slade of Saggart, Co. DU. 11.0 till 2.30 PM.
One [[underlined]] Cynipid [[/underlined]] & one [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] Dolerus aeneus [[/underlined]] beaten out of fir tree.
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On 22/4/36, E. O'Mahony brought me 4 insects from St. Anne, Clontarf, Co. DU.
= [[underlined]] Hoplocampa chrysorrhoea [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]], swept; [[underlined]] Hemiteles [[/underlined]] ? - 1 [[male symbol]], one Cynipid & [[underlined]] Aspilota (Synaldis) concolor [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]].
& on same date J.E. Flynn sent me two sawflies from Glengarriff, Co WC. = [[underlined]] Dolerus rugosulus [[/underlined]] ?? (or [[underlined]] aeneus [[/underlined]]) 1 [[male symbol]] & [[underlined]] Pachynematus clitellatus [[/underlined]] ? [[male symbol]].
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Kilkenny Trip. 30th April - 4th May 1936. To look up [[underlined]] Andrena fulva [[/underlined]] again, but everything very late & none seen. Also [[underlined]] A. wilkella [[/underlined]] not out & even [[underlined]] A. jacobi [[/underlined]] very rare & only one [[female symbol]] seen, late in morning of the 4th May. Anti-cyclonic weather very bright days but on 2nd, 3rd & 4th fierce & cold E-SE wind which kept all insects shy. Swallows not at Athy on journey on 30th; Swifts at 8AM in Kilkenny on 1st, Corncrake & 2 minutes later Cuckoo, on afternoon of 2nd, S. of Kilkenny; Sedge Warbler on 2nd; Whitethroat & House Martin on 3rd, all near Kilkenny.