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[[underlined]] Diptera [[/underlined]] named by H.W. Andrews (per R.C. Faris) March 1943.

1. Bred from [[underlined]] Cent. nigra [[/underlined]] heads: Laixlip, canal, KD., AWS. 4.2.34
Em. June 1934. [[underlined]] E. jaceana [[/underlined]] Her.

2. Do - do. [[Dittos for: Bred from [[underlined]] Cent. nigra [[/underlined]] heads: Laixlip, canal, KD., AWS.]] 19.6.34. [[underlined]] O. cylindrica [[/underlined]] Dsv. [[male symbol]]. 

3. Darrynane marsh, SK. A.W.S. [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] E. jaceana [[/underlined]] Her. { "Perhaps [[underlined]] E. solstitialis [[/underlined]] L. see Collin's paper [[underlined]] T. vectensis [[/underlined]] with [?] [[underlined]] Trypet [[/underlined]] ..... [?]" H.W.A.

4. Harold's Cross, DU. AWS. 30.5.34
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Spilographa zoë [[/underlined]] Mg. [[female symbol]] 

5. The Murrough, WI. A.W.S. 27.5.34. [[underlined]] Acidia heraclei [[/underlined]] L.

6. Harold's Cross, DU. A.W.S. 26.8.34. [[underlined]] Spilographa zoë [[/underlined]] Mg.

7. " " " " [[Dittos for: Harold's Cross, DU. A.W.S.]] 5.9.34. " " [[Dittos for: [[underlined]] Spilographa zoë [[/underlined]] Mg.]]

8. Dunkerron, SK. " [[Ditto for: A.W.S.]] 2.7.35. [[insertion]] [[underlined]] Rivellia syngenesiae [[/underlined]] Fab. [[male symbol]] (Ortalid) [[/insertion]]  [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Herina frondescentiae [[/underlined]] ? [[male symbol]] [[/strikethrough]] 

9. Same as 1 [[underlined]] E. jaceana [[/underlined]] Her.

10. Bahana Wood, CW. AWS. 16.5.35. [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] P. trimaculata [[/underlined]] Mg.

11. Powerscourt Dpk. WI. " [[Ditto for: AWS.]] 7.6.34. [[male symbol]] " " [[Ditto for: [[underlined]] P. trimaculata [[/underlined]] Mg.]]

12. Rt. bank, R. Boyne, ME. " [[Ditto for: AWS.]] 24.6.34 [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] P. arcuata [[/underlined]] Fall.

13. " " " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Rt. bank, R. Boyne, ME. AWS. 24.6.34 [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] P. arcuata [[/underlined]] Fall.]]

14. Powerscourt, Dpk. WI. " [[Ditto for: AWS.]] 7.6.34. [[underlined]] Sapromysa [[/underlined]] sp.?

15. Saggart, DU. 6.6.34. " [[Ditto for: AWS.]] [[strikethrough]] 2.7.34 [[/strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] Herina frondescentiae [[/underlined]] L.

16. Darrynane, marsh, SK. 12.7.34. A.W.S. - " " [[Dittos for: [[underlined]] Herina frondescentiae [[/underlined]] L.]] [[female symbol]].

Transcription Notes:
Reopened to change 16. to Darrynane (from Darryname) to match with 3. - GigglePop