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5th till 12th Sept. 1936.

London trip with George to make arrangements for his going to Northampton (Polytechnic) Engineering School, London, E.C.1., while he sat for matric. Left Westland Row, Dublin at 11.25 on Sat. 5th. & reached London that night (via. Holyhead: summer services!). On 6th. we went by train to Watford & walked N. along canal & Cassiobury Park to King's Langby, where had lunch & on by bus to Berkhamsted to see Charles Oldham & his new house. At P.O's new "dew pond" collected [[underlined]] Gyrocampa uliginosa [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] Chaenusa conjungens [[/underlined]] ^[[insertion]] & [[underlined]] Chorebus naiadum [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] [[/insertion]] off waterplants with sucker, but otherwise I believe all insects taken in the park near Watford, both places being in Herts.

On Tuesday & Wednesday was in London & spent some time in B.M. with Benson & Nixon, also met Thompson the flea-man.

Thursday morning also spent in B M., but in afternoon went with George to Hampstead Heath, MX., where saw many nice bee-bank's & paths, but everything too wet for collecting & the only hymenoptera seen were some wasps

[[arrow pointing to Vespa species on next page]]

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5 till 12 Sept. 1936 cont. London Trip, cont.

Hampstead Heath cont.

(Vespa [[underlined]] germanica [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] vulgaris [[/underlined]] ? [[two virgin female symbols]] ) & one [[underlined]] Bombus agrorum [[/underlined]]. Spent Friday morning in B.M. & left London for Chester by 2.40 train, where spent the night. On Sat. 12th left Chester at 8.20 AM. & arrived Holyhead at 11.0, but thick wet mist prevented any collecting of insects. On rocks E. of harbour-mouth took one specimen, living, of [[underlined]] Trochus lineatus, [[/underlined]] which I subsequently sent to Miss Nora Fisher for Liverpool Museum. One [[male symbol]] Campoplegid [[blank space]] - taken on dining table of Queen Hotel, Chester, at 8 P.M. on 11th Sept.


6th Sept. 1936. Slope W. of canal, Cassiobury Park, Watford, Herts.

Mainly swept under trees or taken off [[underlined]] Angelica [[/underlined]] flowers, but grass &c too wet to sweep properly!

[[underlined]] Bombus agrorum [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] B. terrestris [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] on [[underlined]] Angelica [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Alomyia debellator [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] on [[underlined]] Anjelica [[/underlined]] : the "red" part of abdomen seemingly much more orange & less red than in Irish examples. 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Species names & locality names checked. -@siobhanleachman