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222.) Collected in Co. AN. by E. O'Mahony.

22nd Sept. 1936. In flood refuse on shore of Lough Neagh, Antrim Co. A.N.

Phaenocarpa sp. ? 1 [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] that might be ^ almost certainly is  [[male symbol]] of [[?]]  Hal. dark wings [[/strikethrough]] No!
Aspilota sp. 1 [[female symbol]].
Gyrocampa uliginosa 1 [[male symbol]].
Stilpnus gagates ? 1 [[female symbol]].
 Stilpnid  ? black 
 Exolytus or  Atractodes .
Phygadeunid[[?]] 1 [[male symbol]] & 6 [[2 female symbols]] of same sp.

Procto.  1.

23rd Sept. 1936. Massereene Park, Antrim, Co. AN.
 Stilpnus gagates  ? 1 [[male symbol]].
Pezomachus red & black sp. 1 [[female symbol]].
 Stenomacrus vafer  ? 1 [[female symbol]].
Proctos. 2 near  Galesus  : mtd. on one card.

24th Sept. 1936. Shore of Lough Neagh, Antrim Bay. Co. AN.
Phygadeuon ? 1 [[female symbol]] Hemiteles  ? 1 [[female symbol]] sculptured abdomen (at base.)
Black Stilpnid [[male symbol]], same as that taken on 22/9/36, above.
 Pezomachus rufulus  1 [[female symbol]]
P. sp. similar but black & red. 1 [[female symbol]].
P. sp. small, "[[bunty?]]", black sp. 1 [[female symbol]]. cf. hieracei Bridg.


26th Sept. 1936. Massereene Park, Co. AN. E. O'M.
Cryptids 2 [[2 male symbols]].
Hemiteles? 1 [[female symbol]].
Pimpla flavicoxis [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]].
Apanteles 1 [[female symbol]].
Ephedrus plagiator ? 1 [[female symbol]]

[[line across page]]
Collected when in camp at Lough [[Conn?]], Co. EM., by R.C. Faris (of Cavan); Sept. 1936.
Bracon "communis" mihi 1 [[female symbol]]. Ephedrus sp. (plag. or lacert) 1 [[male symbol]].
Dacnusa elegantula1 [[male symbol]].
Hemiteles small, very black [[male symbol]].
H. sp. 1 [[female symbol]]..
Diaparsis or Thersilochus 1 [[female symbol]].
Pimpla brevicornis 1 [[male symbol]], dark legs.
Proctos. 2 spp.

Transcription Notes:
Phygadeunid might be a misspelling/older spelling of Phygadeuonid. [[please don't indicate formatting except as outlined in instructions. katie 04/02/20]]