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Feb 1937 cont.

18th Feb.  Almond in flower in grounds of Nat. Univ.  Earlsfort Terrace & tree in Kenilworth Square out next day & possibly same day.

20th Feb.  [[underlined]] Sax. oppositifolia, [[/underlined]] several plants, showing flowers in back garden.

22nd & 23rd  beautifully fine sunny days, so that I began to talk of bees being out in Glenasmole on following Sunday.  Weather clerk must have heard me, however, for from night of 23 onward, till 28th nothing but rain & gales, ending on evening of 27th with snow showers & frost.  J.S. Flynn of Riche's Hotel, Glengarriff, wrote me on 23rd to say that he had seen in the garden on 22nd a [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] Bombus lucorum [[/underlined]] & 3 Painted Lady Butterflies & that on 1st Feb. the only other fine day since the New Year, he had seen a Painted Lady & a [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] B. lucorum. [[/underlined]]  This letter I sent straight on to Capt. Daniweather for the Entomologist.

26th Feb.  A few flowers on both old & new plants of [[underlined]] Sax. apiculata [[/underlined]] open in front garden.

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3rd March 1937.  A dull day, inclined to drip, mild after a harsh week-end with gale,, frost & some sow showers:  snow lying on hills with conspicuous lower limit about 1,600 feet.

Rode to Slade of Saggart, Co. DU 3.10 till 4.15 PM.
Very few insects seen, except here & there a few gnats dancing in the air.  Following taken with sucker in bramble leaves.

[[underlined]] Stenomacrus ventralis [[/underlined]] 2 [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]] (one kept & mtd.)
[[underlined]] Procto 2 [[/underlined]] Trichoprias
[[underlined]] Cynipid [[/underlined]] 1.

4th till 15th March 1937.
During this period Dublin experienced really appalling weather, mostly a heavy snowy drip which lay in the hills but not for long in the streets, but this culminated in a violent E-NE gale with heavy snow on the 11th & followed by 24 hours rain on 12th, during which some districts in N.E. Inland & Wicklow were completely snow-bound for days.  Wednesday 11th March was the only fine day during this period & in the afternoon took bus to Bohernabreena & walked up Glenasmole, with Daisy, to upper dam, the glen being quite filled with snow, rises less than