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28th March 1937.  (Easter Sunday).
The 3rd cold sunny day in succession.  Drove to Furry Glen, Phoenix Park, DU., with George in forenoon - gorgeous sun, but sweeping under trees & by stream produced othing.
In afternoon drove to Sallins & spent some couple of hours pottering about canal between Henry & Ponserby Bridges, but saw nothing & heard no Chiff-chaffs.

1st April 1937.  Beautiful day after a couple of dull drizzly ones.  In afternoon drove to Glenasmole & spent a couple of hours along E. side of lower reservoir, &c., where coombes greatly destroyed by slips during last few wet months.  Patches of snow still about Mr Moore's lodge (formerly "Brady's") between the dam & much snow still on Kippure.
[[marginalia]]  1 Chiff-chaff heard, but one only singing. [[/marginalia]]

Glenasmole, Co. DU.  2.30-4.30 PM.

[[underlined]] Andrena apicata [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]] & [[underlined]] A. clarkella [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] common in 3rd coombe above lower dam.
One Procto. & several butter swept.
Willows very backward, but a very few catkins actually out on several early trees.  Primroses plentiful.

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7th April 1937.  Very mild & mainly hot sun, with a few light skiffs of showers from W., but wind very strong, SE. in town, SW & blowing down the glen in Glenasmole.

Glenasmole, Co. DU.  2.30 till 5.0 PM.
Worked woods & coombs from upper dam down to 3rd coomb, with Fergus Allen.

One Chiff-chaff in same place as on 1st & one seen here by John Palmer on 28th March;  also another heard lower down near Mrs. Doyle's.  [[underlined]] No [[/underlined]] Willow Wrens.
[[underlined]] Bombus jonellus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] seen in 3rd coomb
[[underlined]] Andrena clarkella [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] in woods, [[female symbol]] with pollen at bee bank in 3rd coomb.
[[underlined]] A. apicata [[/underlined]] one or two [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] at the bank & being roughly handled by the wind;  seen several times to be dashed against the clay cliff by the gusts.
No other hymenoptera seen.  Willows coming on fast & several now well out.

Red [[underlined]] Anemone fulgens [[/underlined]] in flower in front garden on 5th April.
Flowering Currant (3 years old seedling) flowered for 1st time on 6th April.
[[underlined]] Anemone apenina [[/underlined]] very late & not in flower on 8th.
Red Saxifraga in front garden out on 10th April.