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14/5/37 cont.  Ballyhubbock Br., Co. WI cont.

NB.  Most icks & a good many Braconids & Proctos sent to B.M. & not listed!

[[underlined]] Leptocryptis oereus [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]].

[[underlined]] Hemiteles [[/underlined]] 2 black-legged [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] (mtd. on same card) with podiscoidal cell of forewings open, but outer nerve not [[underlined]] quite [[/underlined]] missing [[image: drawing]] thus = [[underlined]] H. aperta [[/underlined]] ?
[[underlined]] H. [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]], testaceous legs.

[[underlined]] Orthocentrus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]], yellow face, broad areolet.

[[underlined]] Plectiscid [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]], white face & fore coxae, red pectus, no areolet = 

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14/5/37 cont.  Ballyhubbock Bridge, Co. WI cont.

[[underlined]] Bracon epitriptus [[/underlined]] ? 3 [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]].

[[underlined]] Microctonus longicaudata [[/underlined]] miki 1 [[male symbol]].

[[underlined]] Aspilota (Synaldis) [[/underlined]] concolor? 1 [[male symbol]]

[[underlined]] Dacnusa aphanta [[/underlined]] 1 very large [[male symbol]] with 30 segmented antennae (head subsequently lost!), 2 [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]] & 1 other [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] D. maculipes [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] D. [[/underlined]] (sp. near [[underlined]] tristis [[/underlined]] ?) 2 [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]], 23-24 seg. antennae, wide head, dark legs, &c.  AWS 22/12/37.  n.sp. fide Nixon [[underlined]] in litt. [[/underlined]] 4/4/1938.
[[underlined]] D. macrospila [[/underlined]] 1 beautiful [[male symbol]], swept amongst rushes in field on rt. bank of river.
[[underlined]] Gyrocampa uliginosa [[/underlined]] 2 [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Chaenusa conjungens [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Ephedrus [[/underlined]] validus [[checkmark]] 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] & [[underlined]] Ephedrus lacertosus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]].  AWS 25/12/37.
[[underlined]] Praon abjectum [[/underlined]] ? small dark var.?  1 [[male symbol]], 19 seg. antennae.
[[underlined]] Monoctonus caricis [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Aphidius [[/underlined]] 8 or 9.

Proctos &c. = [[underlined]] Exallonyx [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] short ant.
[[underlined]] Disogmus aerolator [[/underlined]], black [[male symbol]].