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16/5/37 cont.  Clara WI., cont.

[[underlined]] Stenomacrus ventralis [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] St. cf. concinnus [[/underlined]] ?? 1 [[male symbol]] with areolet.
[[underlined]] Orthocentrus cf. frontator [[/underlined]] ?? 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] O. palustris [[/underlined]] ?? 1 [[male symbol]].
Mesoleptid, matt, rough all over, black, with seg. 4 & 5 badious.  1 [[male symbol]], very interesting.
Campoplegids about a dozen: but only 3 kept.
Phobocampa ? 1 [[male symbol]] 1 [[female symbol]].
Omorga ?? 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Mesochorus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]

[[underlined]] Plectiscids [[/underlined]] 3 = [[underlined]] Aperileptus albipalpis [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Plectiscus [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]].

[[underlined]] Diaparsus [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] Thersilochus [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] Paniscus [[/underlined]] 1 small [[male symbol]] =

[[underlined]] Bracon [[/underlined]] sp.? 1 [[male symbol]], 2 [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]] cf. [[underlined]] guttiger [[/underlined]] group, but smaller.
[[underlined]] B. praetermissus [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Apanteles [[/underlined]] cf. pallipes ? 1

Microgaster cf. [[underlined]] calceatus [[/underlined]] Hal.? 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Euphorus pallipes [[/underlined]] ? 2 small [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Meteorus scutellator [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] AWS. 26/12/37. 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] swept off birth & possibly [[underlined]] in cop: [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] has dark, [[female symbol]] pale stigma!

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16/5/37 cont  Clara, WI., cont

[[underlined]] Diaspilus oleraceus [[/underlined]] 1 huge [[female symbol]].
Opius lugens ?? 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Adelura flaviventris [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] Aspilota [[/underlined]] 2 spp.? 2 [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]]

[[underlined]] Dacnusa aphanta [[/underlined]] abundant.
[[underlined]] D. areolaris [[/underlined]] a few, but not common.  One huge [[male symbol]].  One [[male symbol]] & 1 [[female symbol]] with [[underlined]] maculipes- [[/underlined]] coloured legs?  this or next sp.: no sternauli. 
[[underlined]] D. maculipes [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] D. sp. near triangularis miki [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]

Aphidius sp. 2 [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]].

[[underlined]] Monoctonus caricis [[/underlined]] 4 [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] & 1 [[female symbol]].

[[underlined]] Proctos [[/underlined]] about a doz.

17/5/37.  A [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] Mesostenus transfuga [[/underlined]] ?, rather dark, taken by E. O'Mahony on S. Cliff of Howth Head, Co. DU.