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17/6/37 cont.  Kinnegoe district, Co. AR., cont

[[underlined]] Pentapleura pumilio [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Aspilota nigrescens [[/underlined]] miki 1 [[male symbol]] only.

[[underlined]] Dacnusa areolaris [[/underlined]] abundant.
[[underlined]] D. maculipes [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] D. aphanta [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]], common.
[[underlined]] D. cyclops [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Chorebus lymphatus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] (? swept on very margin of lough)
{[[underlined]] Gyrocampa affinis [[/underlined]] ? rare, 1 or 2 only:  Very doubtful & none kept.  AWS. 26.2.38)
[[underlined]] G. uliginosa [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] abundant (5 kept);  also 1 large [[female symbol]], with striata 2nd seg. & dark wings.
[[underlined]] Chaenusa conjungens [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]], but only 1 [[female symbol]]: rather large.
[[underlined]] Ephedrus [[/underlined]] spp. very common;  but kept only 2 [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] & 2 [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]], as follows:-
= [[underlined]] E. plagiator [[/underlined]] 2 [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] E. pulchellus [[/underlined]] n. sp. 2 [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]] with very short antennae, segs. 10 & 11 of which seem partly fused, & 2nd cubital cell very short (2nd abscissa of radius shorter than intercubitus, as in [[underlined]] Pentapleura! [[/underlined]]) - Types of sp. n. described by A.W.S. in Proc. R.I.A. '941.
[[underlined]] Praon volucre [[/underlined]] ? 2 [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Aphidius [[/underlined]] sp. 1 [[male symbol]]

Procto.  1 small [[male symbol]], large stigma.

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20th June 1937.  A fine day, but not much sun & not very warm, except during sun bursts & in shelter:  cool breeze N. to E. strong in places:  many insects in shelter, few in open.  Drove to Hill of Down, Co. ME., via main road to Mullingar, then NW to Raharney, Co. WH. & home via Ballivor & Trim.

Collected under trees along roadsides at Mount [[?Harvey]] & by canal N.W. end of Ballasport Bridge, Hill of Down, Co. ME.;  next under trees by roadside & in marsh E. of road at Riversdale, 2 miles SE of Raharney, Co. WH.;  & finally on left bank of R. Boyne above Newtown Bridge, 1 mile below Trim, Co. ME.

20.6.37 cont.  11.30 till 12.30 noon.
Roadside, under trees at Mount [[?Harvey]] (= 1) & canal bank at N.W. end of Ballasport Bridge, (= 2), west of Hill of Down station, Co. M.E.

[[underlined]] Crabro vagus [[/underlined]] 1 fresh [[female symbol]] swept at 2.
Dryinid: 1 small [[male symbol]] = [[underlined]] Bethylus fuscicornis [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Tenthredopsis nassata [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] at 2.
[[underlined]] Tomostethus lateiventris [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] at 2.
Cryptid.  1 red [[male symbol]], red & black legs.
[[underlined]] Pezomachus [[/underlined]] 1 small wingless [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] P. [[/underlined]] sp. 1 winged [[male symbol]]