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20.6.37 cont.  R. Boyne, below Trim, Co. ME. cont.

[[underlined]] D. melanocera [[/underlined]] 1 large [[female symbol]], but smaller than var. [[underlined]] grossa [[/underlined]] miki.
[[underlined]] Dacnusa diremta [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]], about 1/2 a dozen; none kept.
[[underlined]] D. cyclops [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]] common:  1 [[male symbol]] kept.
[[underlined]] D. elegantula [[/underlined]] a few [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]]:  one small [[female symbol]] has reddish 2nd seg. of abd.
[[underlined]] D. aphanta [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] kept.
D. a magnificent black [[female symbol]] with short, square, petiole & dark legs: = [[underlined]] D. thusa [[/underlined]] Nixon: A.W.S. 5/3/1938.  Nixon agrees! 14/3/38.
[[underlined]] D. pubescens [[/underlined]] 2 large [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] D. areolaris & longiradialis [[/underlined]] both frequent: not kept.
[[underlined]] D. [[/underlined]] like [[underlined]] areolaris [[/underlined]], 1  [[female symbol]] but seems to have had extruded terebra, now shrunk & so difficult to judge.  A.W.S. 5.3.1938
([[underlined]] D. maculipes [[/underlined]] ?  The commonest of this group: none kept, so ? all)
[[underlined]] D. (G.) siniffa [[/underlined]] ?? 1 [[female symbol]], only 23 seg. to ant.
[[underlined]] Gyrocampa [[/underlined]] sp. nov. 4 specimens, both sexes:  some error, see note below.  AWS 7.3.38 - Two of them sent on to B.M. & 2 were kept.  Of the latter the [[male symbol]] is a fine [[underlined]] Chorebus lymphatus [[/underlined]] Hal. & the [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] Gyrocampa hirtigena [[/underlined]] n. sp. miki same as [[female symbol]] taken at Connary Co. WI. 16.10/1932.  A.W.S. 7.3.1938.

[[underlined]] G. uliginosa [[/underlined]] 1 magnificent [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Aphidius [[/underlined]] sp. 1 [[male symbol]], curious smoky [[?]].
Mymasid (carded).

20.6.1937.  Taken by E. O'Mahony in Powerscourt Demesne & Deerpark, Co. WI.

[[underlined]] Tomostethus ephippium [[/underlined]] 1 typical [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Dicaelotus pumilio [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]] & 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Pezomachus [[/underlined]] 2 [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]] in Dpk.
[[underlined]] Stenomacrus [[/underlined]] sp.? 1 [[female symbol]]: like a huge [[underlined]] neurateles [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Calyptus tibialis [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]], large.
[[underlined]] Dacnusa (senilis) [[/underlined]] 1 fine [[female symbol]] in Dpk. = n. sp. near [[underlined]] senilis [[/underlined]] fide Nixon 4.4.38
[[underlined]] D. fumigata [[/underlined]] n. sp. 1 [[female symbol]] in Dpk:  Type! near [[underlined]] cytherea [[/underlined]] Nixon, but head, thorax, &c. more hairy; legs darker, & wings almost black.  AWS. 27.2.1938.
Proctos 2 = 
[[underlined]] Bethylus cephalotes [[/underlined]] 1 (?) [fe[male symbol]]small, in Dpk.

NB.  Those taken in the deerpark (5) marked "Dpk."

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23rd June 1937.  A dull day, with skiff of rain in afternoon, warm & little or no wind, N.W.  
Few insects flying except flies & midges, but plenty by sweeping in certain places.

Drove in aft., with Mr. & Mrs. Bradshaw, to Kippure Lodge, Upper Liffey Valley, Co. WI. where collected from 3.15 till 4.20;  then back to Athdown, where collected from 5.0 till 6.0 P.M.

Scrub beside road just W. of Kippure Lodge entrance gate, Co. WI.  3.15 till 4.20 P.M.
Most insects taken sent to BM. including large series of [[underlined]] Dacnusa areolaris [[/underlined]] group.

[[underlined]] Pteronidea dispar [[/underlined]] ?? 2 beautiful [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Leptothorax acervorum [[/underlined]] next at a stump:  1 [[unisex symbol]] taken.
[[underlined]] Antaeon [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Idiolispa analis [[/underlined]]  1[[male symbol]].
Acrodactyla degenes 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Glypta similis [[/underlined]] 1 fine [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Glypta [[/underlined]] sp.? 1 [[male symbol]], resembling [[underlined]] mandibulator [[/underlined]] but no horn.  A.W.S. 9.3.1938.
[[underlined]] Stiphrosomus antilope [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Mesoleius [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Cteniscus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Exyston phaeorrhacus [[/underlined]] Hal. 1.