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WEXFORD TRIP  July 1937.

15th July 1937.  A very hot fine day after a wet night.  Left Dublin at 11 A.M. & drove, via Wicklow & Enniscorthy, to Curracloe, Co. Wx.  Stopped for lunch at bridge over railway 2 miles S. of Inch station & did a little sweeping in fields & roadsides; then on to Artramon Ho., 1 1/2 miles W. of Castlebridge, where swept under trees along both sides of road, though still very wet after previous night's rain; then on to "Strand Hotel, Curracloe, where arrived about 5 P.M. & after tea did a little sweeping in sandhills.

Fields & roadsides by railway bridge, 2 mile S. of Inch station, Co. WX. AWS. 15.7.37. 1.0 till 2:30 P.M.

Of those taken all but ten sent to B.M.

Glypta sp.? 1 [[female symbol]] : runs to haesitator! AWS 26/3/38.
Pezomachus black 1 [[male symbol]], wingless
Plectiscid 1 [[female symbol]]


15.7.37 cont.  S. of Inch, Co. WX., cont.

Bracon [[female symbol]], near satanas ?
Microgaster ? with very rugose sternauli  1 very interesting looking [[male symbol]]: runs to  Microplitis in Thomson
Meteorus micropterus 1 [[male symbol]]
Opius sp. ? 1 [[male symbol]], with 29 seg. ant. runs best to crassipes Wesm.
Alysia tipulae ? 1 [[male symbol]]
Dacnusa eros ? 1 [[male symbol]]
D. gilvipes 1 [[male symbol]]

15.7.37 cont.  Roadsides, under trees, at Artramon Ho., 1 1/2 miles W. of Castlebridge, Co. WX., 4.0-4.30 P.M.  [Most sent to B.M., 20-30 only kept.]
[[boxed]] Castlebridge Co. WX., A.W.S. 15.7.37 [[/boxed]]

Pimpla pictifrons ? 1 [[female symbol]]
Polyblectus sp. sphaerocephalus P. [[male symbol]]
Adelognathus chrysopygus ? 1 [[female symbol]]
Bracon n. sp.? 1 [[female symbol]] near satanas, longer terebra, &c.
Rhogas tristis ? 1 [[male symbol]], with red on head, pro. & mesothorax.
Meteorus vexator or profligator ?? 1 small [[female symbol]], 17 seg. ant.

Opius cingulator ? 1 [[male symbol]]

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed first page & second page. Edited "drove". Also edited haesilator as I think he crosses the first t also see Glypta haesitator Gravenhorst, 1829. - @siobhanleachman Reviewed second page. [[?]] to rugose Added [[boxed]] markup to the drawing of the label to make it consistent with previous vols. & easily findable by search. - @siobhanleachman