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15.7.37 cont. W. of Castlebridge, Co. WX., cont.

Trachyusa aurora 1 [[female symbol]], var. with dark stigna & mesonotum!
Dacnusa lateralis ? 1 [[male symbol]] 42 seg. ant.
D. eros ? 2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]]
D. cyclops 1 [[female symbol]]
Dacnusa sp. ? 1 [[male symbol]] = "n. sp. of lateralis group," fide [[/underlined]] Nixon in lett. ... 8.37.
D. maculipes ? 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] (on same card).
Aphidecis 1 large black [[male symbol]]. }
A.  testaceomimus sp. 2 [[female symbol]] cf. longatus or  [[?rteias-rosae]] group

Hundreds of Sandmartins gathered over marsh in evening & all gone next morning: all returned next & each following evenings.

15.7.37 cont.  Sand dunes, &c., Curracloe, Co WX
8 till 9.30 P.M.  (Most sent to BM.)

Bombus distinguendus 1 [[female symbol]] seen on roadside near hotel
Sphex lutaria 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] seen on dunes
Chelogynus 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] swept: 1 kept
Bracon parvicornis Th? 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] on same card.
Meteorus leviventris ? 1 [[male symbol]].
Blacus tripudians ? 1 [[male symbol]].
Diospilus capito 1 [[female symbol]], small.
[[?Ohierja]] sp. 1 [[female symbol]].
Meloboris sp. 1 [[female symbol]].
Thersilochus 1 [[female symbol]].
Mesochorus cf.  nigripes ? 1 [[male symbol]].


16th July 1937.  A perfect morning, with strong S.-SE., wind after 11 A.M., bringing up a "jam" with rain in evening (8 P.M.).

Spent 2 hours in sandhills (11 AM - 1 PM) in "fornoon", 1/2 hour sweeping field in front of Strand Hotel in afternoon (5.30-6.0 P.M.) & short time in evening just before rain in dunes, when very little met with.

16/7/37 cont.  Curracloe sandhills, &c., 11 AM - 1 PM. = "1" or "AM"

Bombus lucorum only Bumble seen.
Megachile maritima 1 [[female symbol]] seen.
Colletes montanus & picistigma seen.
Halictus spp. seen near hotel (probably rubicundus, freygessneri & nitidiusculus with Sphecodes affinis ? & hyalinatus ??
Pompilus plumbeus (frequent), gibbus [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]], & rufipes 1 [[female symbol]].
Crabro wesmaeli frequent.
Mellinus arvensis 1 [[male symbol]] seen.
Oxybelus uniglumis 1 [[male symbol]].
Tachysphex pectinipes 1 [[male symbol]].
Sphex lutaria 1 seen in dunes.
Exolytus red sp. 1 [[male symbol]].
Phygadeuon pedestris ? 1 [[female symbol]]
Pezomachus very small black sp. 1 [[female symbol]].
Exenterus red sp. 1 [[male symbol]] (?)