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18th July 1937.
A showery day, warm & little drying, after much wet at night.  Spent one hour (11:30 - 12:30) in morning sweeping roadsides, under trees, W. of Castlebridge, as on 15th; showers in afternoon spoiled collecting & in evening only got a few minutes sweeping by the canal near Curracloe HO. before rain once more set in.

Roadsides, under trees, at Artramon HO., W. of Castlebridge, Co. WX. 11:30-12:30 noon.  (Most sent to 18th). The following only kept!

Tryphon elongata (first seen this season!) 1 [[female symbol]](?).
Hemeteles aperta] Thoms. ? 1 [[male symbol]]
Rhogas nigricornis? 1 reddish [[female symbol]].
Opius irregularis ? 1 [[female symbol]].
O. apiculator group 1 very small [[male symbol]].
O. sp.? (cf. small spretus ?) 1 [[female symbol]], 29-seg. ant.
Phaenocarpa tabida 1 [[female symbol]]
Alloea contracta 1 [[female symbol]].
Trachyusa amora 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]]
Aspilota sp. 4 like 5 ? 1 [[male symbol]]
A. sp. 4 like 3 ? 1 small [[female symbol]].


18.7.37 cont.  W. of Castlebridge, Co. WX cont.

Dacnusa striatula 1 [[male symbol]].
D. Aphanta 1 [[male symbol]].
D. bellina 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].
D. gilvipes 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].
D. pubescens 1 [[male symbol]].
D. areolaris 1 [[female symbol]].
D. loniradialis [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]].
D. maculipes 1 [[female symbol]].

Ephedrus lacertosus 1 [[female symbol]].
[[?Trivays]] 1 [[female symbol]].
Toxares deltiger 1 [[male symbol]].
Praon volucre ? 2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].
Proctos 3.

Chalcids.  1 [[female symbol]], with long tail.

18.7.37 evening.  7.0 - 7.30 P.M. [[strikethrough]] for an hour [[/strikethrough]] before heavy rain!
Ditches & sides of "canal" in "North Slob" near Curracloe House, Co. WX.

Hemiteles ? 1 [[male symbol]].
Cryptopimpla errabunda 1 [[female symbol]].
Miomerus aquisgranensis 1 [[male symbol]].
Bracon [[strikethrough]] divoideus [[strikethrough]] sp.? 1 [[female symbol]], very large, 29 seg. antennae, hind tibiae all red, &c.
Procto. 1

Small beetle.