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21st July 1937.  A wild day with S.W. gale after heavy rain & storm at night, moderating a little in evening.  Much hot sun & few skiffs of rain but wind made collecting almost impossible.  Spent morning in field below hotel & afternoon in sandhills & marsh at Curracloe; in evening walked along road to Skreen through moraine & examined various "kettle-holes" including the famous "Lough na-paesta," which I visited in March 1911 when "snail-hunting" & where Halbert took Lasius fuliginosus in 1935: see p.47 [[right arrow]]

21.7.37, morning & afternoon.  (- Only 12 kept: these labelled 21/9/38 AWS).
Field below hotel, sandhills & marsh (= 1, 2 & 3) Curracloe, Co. WX.  12 till 1.30;  3.0 till 6 P.M.

Bombus distinguendus 1 [[juvenile female symbol]] at 1.
B. derhamellus 1 [[juvenile female symbol]] at 1.
B. muscorum 1 [[juvenile female symbol]] at 1.
B. jonellus frequent at 1.
B. lucorum frequent.
B. hortorum ? 1 [[juvenile female symbol]] at 3.
Megachile centuncularis [[male symbol, male symbol]] at 1: one kept [[checkmark]]
Andrena denticulata [[female symbol, female symbol]] on ragwort at 1.
A. wilkella 1 worn [[female symbol]] in bramble at 1.
A. gwynana [[male symbol, male symbol]] (2d brand) on bramble at 1.


21/7/37, cont.  Curracloe, WX.  cont.

Halictus rubicundus, calceatus, freygessneri &c. seen at 1.
Sphecodes affinis & divisus (?) seen at 1.
Vespa rufa 1 [[juvenile female symbol]] seen at 1.
Odynerus parietinus 1 [[female symbol]] at 1; (nests of some spp. very common in district on walls, & on iron stays to wire fence round coast guards' observatory in dunes.)
Pemphredon lethifer [[checkmark]] 1 on alder in marsh at 1.
Crabro chrysostomus & varius at 1.
Mellinus arvensis abundant, [[male symbol, male symbol]] & [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 1 (& 2)
Pompilus rufipes seen at 2.
Salius [[?caxtlatus]] [[male symbol, male symbol]] & 1 [[female symbol]] seen at 1.
Tachysphex pectinips at 2.
D. bellina 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].
Oxybelus uniglumis 1 [[[female symbol]] at 2.
D. bellina 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].
[[left arrow]] Colletes picistigma at 2.

Pachynematus clitellatus ? 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] (1 sent Benson), 1 kept [[checkmark]].

Most icks sent to B.M.
Ichneumon sarcitorius 1 [[male symbol]] on carrot at 3.
I. gracilicornis 1 [[male symbol]]. [[checkmark]]

Plants L. [[?hapeata]] &c.