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21.7.37 cont. Curracloe, WX., cont

Pezomachus 1 [[female symbol]], [[checkmark]] very small, blackish.
Hermiteles] ?? 1 slender [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] taken running up stem of grass at 2, like wingless Drymid.  cf. with [[female symbol]] taken in same place on 20.7.27 P.M. q.v.

Cryptus black & white-marked [[male symbol]] [[checkmark]] (= ? viduatorius)

Pimpla brevicornis at 1.
Glypta ceretites [[male symbol, male symbol]] at 1.
G. elongator] [[female symbol]] at 3

Banchus volutatorius [[male symbol, male symbol]] at 1, [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] at 2
 Mesoleius sp.? 1 [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]].
Thersilochus ? 1 [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]].
Meloboris spp. frequent at 3: two only kept = M. red coxae 1 [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]];  M. black coxae 1 [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]]
Polyblastus ? 1 ([[male symbol]] ?) [[checkmark]].

Apanteles [[?fuscipes]] ? at 1 (not kept)

nitricularis from 3 = vulgaris fide R.L.P.


21.7.37. evening 7. till 10 P.M.
Walked via Skreen Road to "Lough-na-paesta," a deep "Kettle-hole" in the moraine 2 miles inland, alt. about 150 feet (water probably not more than 80 to 100 feet!), & on way investigated 3 other 1/2-drained kettle holes S. of Skreen road near Glenbough, Co. WX.

"Lough-na-peaste", near Screen, Co. WX.
- (13 kept: these labelled XI.9.38 AWS.)

Ademon decrescens [[male symbol, male symbol]] & [[female symbol, female symbol]] common on stems of rushes, &c., sticking up out of water on edge of lough & taken with sucker;  some were seen to rise from the water & one that fell on its back on water immediately righted itself & flew away.  Variable in size; but none brightly coloured.

Gyrocampa affinis ? [[male symbol, male symbol]] & [[female symbol, female symbol]], with last.
Dacnusa areolaris [[female symbol, female symbol]] on roadside near last.
Dacnusa sp. [[female symbol]] from kettle hole near Glenbough (& also some icks, but none kept.)].