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23rd July 1937.  A fine afternoon & evening after a terribly wet night & rain at intervals till dinner time (1:30 PM.).  Did not go out till after dinner, then walked along shore almost to Blackwater Harbour & back & collected a few insects in parks & on sands, blown off cliffs, including a [[female symbol]] Chasmodon apterus (subsequently lost out of sucker!) found by George.  In evening explored the moraine country between Curracloe, Blackwater & Screen, & worked kettle-hole near Kilmacoe, Ballinesker, & Lough-na-peesta.  Saw also some very nice ground between Blackwater & Screen & in sand pit at highest point of road took a fine marine shell (=   ) & some fragments.


23.7.37, aft. 5 P.M, 
-Labelled Strand N. of Curracloe Co. WX. AWS. 23.7.37.]
Strand 1/2 mile S. of Blackwater Harbour, Co. WX. 
A few insects taken in pool or in sands.

Aspilota very black sp. 1 [[male symbol]] = cf. nigrescens miki, 2nd brood?
Chasmodon apterus] 1 [[female symbol]] found by George; but subsequently lost in blowing dirt out of sucker.
Aphaereta sp ? 1 [[female symbol]]: terebra as long as abd. : 24-seg. antennae.
Pentapleura pumilio 1 [[female symbol]].
Mesochorus very small sp. 1 [[female symbol]].
Six small Proctos = 

[Only 11 kept: these labelled 27.9.1938. A.W.S.]

23.7.37, evening.  "Kettle-hole" in field near old church of Kilmacor, Ballinesker, Co. WX. 7:30 PM. 
G.M.S. & A.W.S.

5 Chaenusa n. sp. (= C. opaca A.W.S.): Nixon agrees it is n. sp. Chaenusa in litt. ...8.37.
2] Gyrocampa = Ametria h. sp. (= G. striola A.W.S.)  Nixon agrees it is n. sp. Gyrocampa  in litt. ...8.37.

Pentapleura pumilio 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] (mtd. on same card).
Hemiteles sp. 2 [[male symbol, male symbol]] (carded), one with reddish the other with blackish abdomen: otherwise similar =.

[Only 11 kept: these labelled 27.9.1938. A.W.S.]