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23.7.37, evening cont.
Shore of Lough-na-peesta, near Screen, Co. WX.
8.30-9.15 P.M.

Taken with sucker off rushes, Ranunculus Flammula, &c. growing in shallow edge of Lough.
[Only 7 kept : these labelled 29 9 38 AWS.]

Ademon decrescens common.
Dacnusa affinis 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] kept: mtd. on same card
Chaenusa conjungens 2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] kept: mtd. on same card


24th July 1937.  A very poor day with frequent showers & collecting impossible.  In evening picked up a few insects on beach near Bently Lodge, N. of Curracloe, WX.  [Only 6 kept: these labelled 29.9.38 A.W.S.]

Hemitiles] 1 [[female symbol]].
Stenomacrus cf. near] pallipes] ? 3 [[female symbol, female symbol]].
Pentapleura pumilio 1 [[female symbol]].
Chalcid 1.

25th July 1937.  A fine day, with some hot sun in morning; but strong W.-N.W. wind.  Spent morning in dunes & sweeping edge of marsh behind dunes at Curracloe; in afternoon went, with Mr. O'Brien as guide, to the wooded glen of River Sow, just NW of Castlebridge, but everything in shelter still very wet, though plenty of insects out.

In evening worked edges of three kettle-holes near old church of Kilmacoe, N. of Curracloe.