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27th July, 1937.  A fine day, but dull till the afternoon, then some sun, a slight skiff of rain with "jam" as wind from west defeated that off the sea;  subsequently a beautiful evening, though by no means "hot." 

Spent morning setting & did not go out.  In afternoon walked to Lough-na-peesta & collected round 3 sides of it, as well as round small kettle-hole adjoining to the N.E.  On return walk swept precincts of ruined mud & stone cottage 1/4 mile S.E. of L. na. p., & in two "sweeps" took an amazing lot of Parasitica.  It may be noted that the ruins are used as shelter for various animals, cows, horses, & goats.

Found Halbert's station for Lasius fulginosus at N. end of Lough-na-peesta (See his note in I.N.J.   ) & found the workers of the ant abundant on leaves of several alders growing on edge of loughan where earth fence divides two parcels of land; but did not see any evidence of situation of nest.

On way to Lough-na-paesta took a very fresh [[female symbol]] Colletes montanus in lane to R.C.C.:  a very late date for a perfectly fresh specimen.


27.7.37 Aft. cont.

Shores of Lough-na-peesta & adjoining kettle hole to N.E.  [Only 30 kept: 14 taken by George & 16 by A.W.S.: these labelled 7-8/10/38: A.W.S.]

Lasius fuliginosus [[juvenile female symbol, juvenile female symbol]] abundant in Halberts' station at N. end of, on alder leaves.

Ademon decrescens [[male symbol, male symbol]] & [[female symbol, female symbol]].  Very common & playing about on rushes, Ranunculus Flammula, gypsy-wort, &c. growing in shallow edge of the loughan.

Dacnusa affinis [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]] Several [[male symbol, male symbol]] & 1 [[female symbol]] taken by George with sucker off plants growing in water.

Chaenusa conjungens [[checmark]] 1 [[male symbol]] taken by George.
Dacnusa areolaris 1 very small [[male symbol]] taken by George.
Centistes lucidator 1 [[male symbol]] taken by George.
Agathis anglica 1 [[female symbol]] taken by George.
Exallonyx 1 [[female symbol]] taken by George.

Mesochorus 1 [[male symbol]] taken by A.W.S.
Promethes dorsalis 1 [[female symbol]] taken by A.W.S.
Blacus paganus 1 [[male symbol]] taken by A.W.S.
Alysia manducator 1 [[female symbol]] taken by A.W.S.

Exallonyx 1 [[male symbol]] taken by A.W.S.
Platygaster ? 1 taken by A.W.S.