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29.7.37 aft.  3.0 till 5.30 P.M.

Doo Lough & adjoining kettle holes in moraine, 2 miles NW of village of Curracloe, Co. Wx.  
- The Homopteran Livia juncorum very common in this afternoon's sweeping! AWS.
[46 insects kept & these labelled 15/10/38! AWS.

[At labelling time with this lot was a [[female symbol]] Colletes picistigma; yet I cannot believe I took this inland & so have labelled it merely "Curracloe" & not "Doo L., Curracloe"! AWS 15/10/38]

Lasius fuliginosus [[virgin female symbol, virgin female symbol]] common on alders, &c. growing round small, dirty, swampy, kettle-hole behind cottage a little W. or N.W.(?) of Doo Lough: an equally queer habitat for the species to that discovered by Halbert at L-na-peasta.

Crabro varius [[male symbol]].  Very small specimen frequent, with last.
Dolerus palustris swept on marshy edge, E. of L. Doo. (? a 2nd brood)
Ametastegia glabrata 1 [[male symbol]]
Dicaclotus ? 1 [[male symbol]].
Cratocryptus cf. parrulus ? [[male symbol]]: very nice.
Cryptid? red, small, 1 [[male symbol]]
Cryptus sp. red, white scutellum, 1 [[male symbol]]
Homocidus signatus 2 [[male symbol, male symbol]].
Meloboris sp. 1 [[male symbol]].
Gen. et sp.? 1 [[male symbol]], very interesting, 4mm, ant. 18-setmented, 8th seg. emarginate beneath, basal segments of abd. sculptured, nervuration as in Stenomacrus (i.e. areola more [[?punstigorm]]), put in box with Plectercids!  AWS. 16/10/38.
Bracon fulvipes 2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 3 [[female symbol, female symbol]], mtd. on same card.
B. epitriplus ? 1 [[female symbol]]
Microgaster globatus 1 [[female symbol]].
Opius irregularis ? 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].
Opius n. sp. near lugens, but red legs, short terebra, &c.  2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] one the type Aspilota?  (cf. Phaenocarpa!) 1 small [[male symbol]], short 16-seg. ant., very wide head, red petiole & base of abdomen, 4th seg. of ant. slightly longer than 3rd, I think = Type of G. semi-rufa miki.  AWS 16.10.1938

Also Dacnusa affinis 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].  
Ametria ulignosa 1 [[male symbol]] & 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]], one of latter very small & with ant. only 19 segmented.
Proctos.  6, very small spp.  Conostymus &c.


29.7.37 evening.  7.30-8.0 P.M.
Kettle-hole (no.1) in field near old church of Kilmacoe, Ballinesker, Co. WX.

Dacnsa sp. raissa [[?pomp]]? 1 [[female symbol]]
Ametria ulignosa 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]].
Ametria striola miki.  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] taken by A.W.S. & G.M.S.
Chaenusa opaca miki.  1 [[male symbol]]

Pezomachus red & black sp.  1 [[female symbol]]
[[strikethrough]] Nemeritis [[/strikethrough]] ? 1 [[male symbol]]
(10 labelled 17/10/38! AWS.)

29.7.37 evening cont.  8.30 till 9.0 P.M.
Site of ruined cottage, S.E. of Lough-na-peeste, Curracloe, Co. WX. as on 27th.  (Only 47 kept: p.t.o. [[right arrow]])

Helorus anomalipes ?.  No less than 12 swept in first sweep of old grass-covered "court-yard" of cottage & four more in same place a few minutes later.  Subsequently several watched apparently asleep on apex of nodes of grass & rush leaves, & another swept in boggy field lower down valley leading to Curracloe RC Chapel beside small "duck-pond" (= kettle hole.