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1st August 1937 (Sunday).
The fourth perfect day in succession, very warm & no clouds, hazy & gentle E. breeze.

Drove in afternoon to Kippure Lodge, Upper Liffey Valley, Co. WI, alt. 900 to 1,000 ft & collected in birch scrub, &c., along tributary stream, below road.  Came home by "Military Road" via Kilbride camp & Ballyfolan & stopped to collect for a few minutes where road crosses Shankill River at ca. 1,050 ft. alt., where river flows into a nice little gorge on way across moor to Cloghleagh Glen. 

Birch scrub, &c., by tributary stream just below Kippure Lodge, Upper Liffey, Co. WI.  Alt. 900-1,000 ft. 4  till 7:30 P.M.
[73 labelled 10-13/11/38. A.W.S.] 

Nomada [[?flaviputlata]] [[1 female symbol]]  [All A.W.S. unless marked G.M.S. who also collected].
Antaeon sp. 2 [[male symbol, male symbol]] = Prenantaeon ruficornis v. fuscicornis (Dalm.) fide O.W. Richards 1939.
Sawfly = Pachynematus vagus [[male symbol]] 
Cryptine 1 small [[male symbol]], narrow petiole.
Phytodictus geniculatum ? 2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] (1 [[male symbol]] & 1 [[female symbol]] carded)
Lissinota femorata - biguttata Thomp. 1 [[female symbol]]
L. sp. [[?nemtransusa]]1 [[female symbol]]


1.8.37 cont.  Kippure Lodge, Athdown, WI., cont.

Polyblastus  1 [[female symbol]], carrying larvae, black legs, &c.
P.  1 [[male symbol]], red & black
Promethes dorsilis ? 1 [[male symbol]]
Ophion 1 [[male symbol]].
Agrypon cf. septentrionale 1 [[male symbol]] (carded).
Campoplex 1 [[female symbol]].
Campoplegids 1 [[male symbol]], 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] = Angitia sp. 1 [[female symbol]], A. sp. 1 [[male symbol]].  [[?Aniloata]] or Holocremna sp. 1 [[female symbol]]
Mesochorus 1 [[female symbol]]
Aperileptia [[?Aniloata]] or Holocremna]] 1 [[female symbol]]
Plectiscid [[male symbol]].
Thersilochid 1 [[female symbol]], short, stout, antennae, 20-seg.
Perilitus 1 [[female symbol]] G.M.S.
Meteorus cinctellus ? 1 [[female symbol]] G.M.S.
Blacus cf. longipennis paganus ? 1 [[female symbol]]
B. ambulans [[male symbol]] 1 [[male symbol]] G.M.S.
Proterops nigripennis 1 [[male symbol]], in smal birch bush about 150 yards below road & 50 yards from right bank of stream.

Opius cingulatus ? 1 [[male symbol]].
O. caesus  2
O. irregularis ? 1

Phaenocarpa tabida 1 [[male symbol]].

Adelura flaviventris 1 [[male symbol]] G.M.S.