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18.8.37 aft. cont.  R. Boyne below Trim, Co. ME. cont.

Trioxys aceris ?  1 [[female symbol]].
Trioxys ? sp. ?  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], only 13 seg. ant.
Praon volucre  1 [[female symbol]].
Aphidius sp.  1 [[female symbol]].
A. sp. ?  1 [[male symbol]]
Proctos.  6 exx.
Chalcid.  Spalangia umbellatarum Fist. (? 1 [[female symbol]] A.W.S.) fide Ferriers, 1939.

20th Aug. 1937, late evening (at dark), slight drizzle after a fine day.  With Dr. H. Seccombe-Hett to look for Leisler's Bat.  Grazing field 2 miles West of Tallaght, Co. Dublin.  8.30 till 9.15 P.M. when too dark to see.

One Leisler's Bat seen first at 8.55 & at intervals till Dr. Hett shot at it about 9.20 to 9.30 (time not certain!), where it fell near hedge & tree & we were unable to find it that night.

About a dozen Ichs. & Braconids swept in sheltered corner of the field, where also some nettles.


20.8.37, evening, cont.  W. of Tallaght, Co. Dublin.
[About 16 kept & these labelled 21/12/38.]

Cryptid  3 [[male symbol, male symbol]], mt. on one card.
Porionid, black, orange abd.  5 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] (not swept at one haul) = Thersilochus?
Blacus ruficornis  1 [[male symbol]].
Pentapleura pumilio  1 [[female symbol]].
Dacnusa aphanta [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]]  1 [[female symbol]].

22nd August 1937.  A fine day, with much sun till 2 P.M., then sultry & dull, with change of wind from W. to E. : flying ants a nuisance on the hills (Myrmica ruginodis & perhaps other spp. of Myrmica).  Drove via Roundwood to Laragh & up Glenmacnan to head of waterfall (alt. ca. 1,200 ft) & then walked up Tonelagee to Lough Ouler (1,868 ft):  collected (George & I!) at intervals both on way up and way down & made a special collection along S. shore of tarn at foot of cliffs & where rushes formed chief vegetation.  Many insects out, mostly Ichs., & few Braconids.  Most sent to B.M.