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31.8.37 cont.  Glenasmole, Co. DU.

Ichneumonidae: most sent to B.M. but the following kept:-

Phaeogenes tibiator  1 [[male symbol]] at 1.
Ph. fulvitarsis  1 [[female symbolo]] at 3.
Cryptid, white face, 1 [[male symbol[[ (same as at Agher, ME., 29.8.37!) at 3.
Cryptid, white face, 1 [[male symbol]] at 1 = Cratocryptus ? sp.
Phygadeuon sp. 1 brachypterous [[female symbol]] at 1
Leptocryptus aereus ? 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]], at 2.
L. 1 [[male symbol]] at 2.
L. claviger  1 [[female symbol]] at 3.
Exolytus red  1 [[male symbol]] at 1.
Ex.  1 [[female symbol]] at 4.
Hemiteles red sp. 1 [[female symbol]] at 3.
Stylocryptus  1 [[male symbol]] at 4.
Pezomachus  1 [[female symbol]] at 3.
Mesoleid rough abd. 1 [[female symbol]] at 3.
M. variegatus Jur.  1 [[female symbol]] at 4
Promethes cognatus  1 [[female symbol]] at 3.
Bassus deletus  1 [[male symbol]] at 4.
Cteniscus sp. ? red, 1 [[male symbol]] at 2.
Homocidus pulcher  1 [[male symbol]] at 4.
Homocidus incisus Th.  1 fine [[female symbol]] at 4.
Stenomacrus fortipes ?? 2 [[male symbol], male symbol]] at 1, 1 large, 1 small.
St. sp.? 1 very small [[female symbol]] at 4 = St.
Pantisarthrus sp.  1 [[female symbol]] at 2.
Plectiscus communis ? 1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
Plectiscus subteres Th.? 1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
P. sp. 1 [[male symbol]] at 2.

Megastylus cruentator  1 [[female symbol]] (?) at 1.
Mesochorus  1 [[female symbol]] at 2.
M. sp. 1 [[male symbol]] at 3.
Phaedroctonus transfuga ? 1 [[male symbol]] at 3.


31.8.37 cont.  Glenasmole, Co. DU. cont.

Hover Fly = Pyrophaena granditarsa ?

5th Sept. 1937.  Middle of a depression, very damp & hot, after a gale, with rain at night, strong S.W. wind, but no rain where we were & grass, &!, under trees dry enough to sweep.

Drove to Kilkea Park (via Castledermot), Co. KD; collected by sweeping trees & undergrowth at E. end of deer park (=1) & also at W. end below the "fort" (=2); & also in marshy fields W. of road about 1 mile N. of Castledermot, Co. KD.  Many insects out, especially Icks. & Proctos, but few kept, most being put in "papers" (3) for B.M.

Transcription Notes: