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10.9.37 cont.  Kilkea Park, KD. cont.

Megastylus  1 [[male symbol]] at 2.
Pantisarthrus inaequalis ? 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].
Gen. et sp. ? 1 [[male symbol]] at 2, like Cryptid, yellow face, but areolet like Plectiscus. - Symplicis faciatis Th. [[male symbol]] AWS 1/4/39.
Apanteles cf. difficilis ?? 1 [[female symbol]] at 1
Meteorus filator 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] at 2.  M.  1 [[female symbol]] at 2.
M. scutellator  2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 2
Blacus ruficornis  1 [[male symbol]] at 1.
B. tripudians 1 [[female symbol]] at 1; and 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 2. B. trivialis, small, 1 [[female symbol]] at 2.

Opius red head sp. 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 1.
O. cingulatus 1 [[female symbol]] at 1; also 1 at 2.
O. irregularis 1 [[male symbol]] at 2 (not kept).
O. lugens ?? 1 [[female symbol]] short terebra, 23 seg. ant.
Aspilota 4 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 5 [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 1 = A. grandipennis ? 1 [[female symbol]]. A. cf. 4 like 5, but short terebra 1 [[female symbol]] carinate propodeum, 19 seg. ant.
A. sp. widened head, 19 seg. ant. 1 [[female symbol]]. A. cf semi-rufa or cynipidis 17 seg. ant. 1 [[female symbol]], also 3 [[male symbol, male symbol]], ? same sp.
A. long terebra, 21 seg. ant. 1 [[female symbol]]. A. small, dark [[male symbol]], 21 seg. ant. cf. sp. 4 like 3.
3 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 8 [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 2 = A. grandipennis ? 1 [[male symbol]], 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]]. A. 4 like 5 ? 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]]. A. small [[female symbol]], short 17 seg. ant.
A. sp. large head, very thin stigma = tenuicosta n. sp. 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]], both 18 seg. ant.
A. black, very large head, 20 seg. ant. 1 [[female symbol]]. A. cynipidis - like [[female symbol]], but 21 seg. ant. brown.
A. (Synaldis) cf. near distracta 1 [[female symbol]] at 1. A. sp. 1 [[female symbol]], 20 seg. ant.


10.9.37 cont.  Kilkea Park, Co. KD. cont.

Dacnusa lateralis  1 fine [[female symbol]] at 1; 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 2. D. diremta 1 [[female symbol]] at 2.
D. sp.? 1 [[male symbol]], like Aphanta, but bright red legs: ant. broken beyond 26th seg., possibly sp. near ovalis but 1st seg. of abd. too slender, though very densely pubescent.
D. ovalis ?? 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]], one with very dark hind femora, at 2. D. areolaris ? 1 [[female symbol]] at 2, with short radial cell & all pale legs.
D. hera 1 [[female symbol]] at 2. D. abdita 1 large [[female symbol]] at 2. D. pubescens 1 [[female symbol]] at 2
Praon volucre ? 1 [[male symbol]], 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]].
Aphidius cirsii Hal. ? 1 [[female symbol]]. A. brassicae ? 1 [[female symbol]].

Proctos 1 brachypterous [[female symbol]] at 1 = ;& one "wingless" [[female symbol]] at 2 = 

12th Sept. 1937.  A wretched day, though not cold, rain setting in with SE X W jam at 8 A.M. & continuing till 2 P.M. then fine till evening with strong W wind; when further rain at 8 P.M.  Collecting almost impossible.

Glending, Blessington, on KD-WI boundary
A few insects taken with sucker under leaves of beech by roadside 1.30 till 2.30, during & after rain.

[22 labelled 3/4/39 AWS.]

Cratichneumon varipes 1 [[female symbol]].
Lathrolestes marginatus Th. 1 [[female symbol]] - ? syn. with "Perilissus verticalis Brischke" A.W.S. 4.4.39.
Orthocentrus cf caper ?? 1 [[male symbol]].
Promethes cognatus 1 [[female symbol]].
Stenomacrus pusillus ? 1 [[female symbol]] (A.W.S. 5.4.1939) St. sp.? 1 [[male symbol]]
Leptopygus ?? 1 dark [[male symbol]].
Plectiscus cf communis ? 1 [[male symbol]] 20 seg. ant.
Rhyssalus indagator ? 1 [[female symbol]]. Meteorus punctiventris ? 1 [[female symbol]].
Blacus tripudians 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]]. Opius caesus 1 [[female symbol]].
Aspilota "sp. 4 like 3" ?? 1 [[female symbol]], 21 seg. ant.