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10/10/37 aft.  3.0 till 4.0 P.M.
Right bank of River Duff & coast E. of same, Co. LE.

Saxifraga hypnoides found by M.D.S. growing amongst boulders at back of storm beach about 1/2 mile E. of R. Duff. 

[7 kept & these labelled Bunduff LE. A.W.S. 10.10.37 on 24/10/39! A.W.S.]

Bombus muscorum (fresh [[male symbol]] or [[female symbol]] ?) reported by R.C. Faris.
Pezomachus  1 [[male symbol]]
Phaenocarpa conspurcator  1 [[male symbol]]
Aspilota surcularia ?  1 very small [[female symbol]].
Dacnusa lestes  1 [[male symbol]]
Ametria (uliginosa ??)  1 [[male symbol]], very small, 25-seg. antennae, very dark wings, sternauli crenate.
Procto.  1 =
Cynipid  1.

[[plant specimen]]
Thalictrum alpinum
Annacoona, SL. 11/10/1937.


11th Oct. 1937.  A glorious day!

Drove up Gleniff, Co. SL., to school at foot of Annacoona, with R.C. Faris & Miss Jean Cole of Cavan;  then walked up E. end of cliff & onto summit of Annacoona & on to head of great gully between Annacoona & "Dermot & Grania's Bed".  Worked top of cliffs for Saxifraga nivalis without success, but saw lots of Sax. hypnoides, S. aizoides, S. oppositifolia (at one place!), Thalictrum alpinum (1 place), Th. minus, Arenaria ciliata, Aralia hirsute & Dolia incana; Poa alpina, Carex rigida, &c.  Summit covered with Empetrum nigrum, &c.  Also Asplenium virida, everywhere;  Cochlearia alpina, Galium sylvestre, Sedum roseum.

Helix nemoralis, the very large heavy, high-spired, mainly white lipped, ooooo;  no banded specimen seen: the nemoralis were seen here by me in June 1902 [[strikethrough]] (?) [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]].
Clausilia bidentator - 1930 ft. & Hygromia hispida also seen almost at summit.