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11/10/37 cont.  Gleniff & Annacoona, Co. SL. cont.

A few insects swept on way up, but most taken amongst rushes in semi-corrie on E. side of summit at about 1,500 feet.
[15 kept & these labelled Annacoona SL. AWS. 11.10.37.  26/10/1939! A.W.S.]

Dicaelotus red [[female symbol]].
Cryptid  1 [[male symbol]].
Stenomacrus ventralis  1 very dark [[female symbol]].
S. cubiceps ?  1 [[female symbol]].
S. do do [[dittos for cubiceps]]  1 [[female symbol]], smaller
Sigalphus candatus  1 [[female symbol]].
Blacus humilis ?  1 [[female symbol]].
Opius cf pygmaeator  1 [[female symbol]].
Phaenocarpa conspurcator  1 [[female symbol]].
Aspilota vulgaris  1 [[female symbol]].
Chaenusa conjungens  1 [[male symbol]].
Aphidius black sp.  1 [[male symbol]]
Proctos. 3 = 


12th Oct. 1937.  A gorgeous morning with very hot sun & gentle E. breeze, but afternoon dull & cloudy.

Spent 2 hours at Trawalua, Co. SL., in morning when insects not rare, but few Braconids.  In afternoon drove up S. side of Lough Nelvin & walked up road to Glenaniff, by Aghavoghil, crossing several very fine glens draining N. into Melvin.

[[44 kept & these labelled 28/29.10.1939! AWS.)

Scrub, &c., at Trawalua, Co. SL.  11 AM till 1 PM.

Bombus lapidarius [[male symbol]] seen by R.C. Faris
Crabro styrius [[male symbol]] taken by me on Sycamore, where seen in 1933 & 1936.  Very late & surely 2nd emergence.
Cratichneumon varipes, 1 [[female symbol]], dark var.
Pezomachus  1 [[female symbol]].
Cryptid  1 [[female symbol]].
Cryptid  1 [[male symbol]]
Phygadeuonid or Hemiteles ?  very nice [[female symbol]] with very queer chipped antennae
Stenomacrus ventralis  [[female symbol]].
Bassus tricinctus  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]]
Promethes cognatus  1 [[male symbol]].
Homocidus flavilincatus  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] with front coxae black & middle coxae red, but palps & trochasters red & not yellow as in bigattatus.  A.W.S. 30/10/39.
Aperileptus  a reddish [[male symbol]] & a black [[female symbol]].
Proclitus sp. 1 [[male symbol]].
Mesochorus  1 [[female symbol]].
Ophion  1 [[female symbol]].