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18th Oct. 1937.  A fine day, but dull & rather chilly, S.E. wind, till 3.30 P.M., then sunny & much more genial. 

In morning drove north through Ballintra to Bridgtown & turned inland at “Ballinacuillagh” (according to a farmer I met on the road) where collected along sides of a nice little glen & stream, about 1 mile N. of Brown Hall, where in passing saw much nice ground for future work in Co. ED.

In afternoon drove to Cliffoony & once more worked scrub at Trawalua, Co. SL.

Stream sides, glen & sheltered pasture field in townland of Ballinacuillagh, Co. ED.
11.30 - 12.30 noon
[32 specimens kept & these labelled [[stamp]] B'NACULLAGH ED. A.W.S. 18 10 37 [[/stamp]] 15/11/39! A.W.S.]

Exephanes occupator ?  1 "yellow" [[male symbol]].
Acanthocryptus IV. spinosus  1 [[male symbol]].
Pezomachus red & black sp. [[female symbol]].
P. sp. 1 wingless [[male symbol]], small.
P. instabilis ?? 1 very large & elongate [[female symbol]], ? this sp.

Promethes scutellaris  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]]
Exochus tibialis ? 1 [[female symbol]].


18/10/37, A.M.  Ballinacuillagh, near Brown Hall, Co. ED., cont.

Mesochorus  1 [[female symbol]].
Apanteles fulvipes ?  1 [[female symbol]].
Blacus  1 [[female symbol]]
Gnamptodon pumilio  1 [[female symbol]].
Opius lugens ?  1 [[female symbol]].
O. (? same sp. ? striate petiole) 1 [[male symbol]]
Adelura flaviventris  1 [[male symbol]].
Aspilota  1 [[female symbol]].
Dacnusa pubescens  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]], rather small
D. maculipes  1 [[male symbol]].
D. affinis  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].
Chaenusa conjungens  1 [[male symbol]].
Aphidius  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], black lets, 20-seg. ant.
A. sp. n. ?  1 [[male symbol]], red legs, 17-seg. ant., slender petiole
A. sp. black lets, 17 seg., pale petiole, ? same sp. as last.

Praon abjectum ?  1 very small [[male symbol]].
Monoctonus caricis ?  1 [[male symbol]].

Proctos  3 (1 brachypterous Platygaster-like!)