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[20th Oct. precedes 19th on p.180]

19th Oct. 1937.  In forenoon drove through Ballintra & did some sweeping along N. edge of Brown Hall demesne, especially along old drive through wood at top of steep track above river.
In afternoon again visited Trawalua & swept scrub on each side of track from Cliffoney to the sea.
A fine day but grass wettish in open.

11.0 till 12 noon.
N. edge of Brown Hall demesne (where river to Bridgetown flows under road), near Ballintra, Co. ED.

[20 specimens kept & these labelled [Brown Hall ED. AWS. 19.10.39.] 18/11/39 A.W.S.]

Hemiteles  1 [[female symbol]].
Rhogas nigricornis ?  1 [[female symbol]], a very testaceous form.
Opius celsus ?  1 [[female symbol]].
Aspilota crassifemur  1 [[female symbol]] - 25 seg. ant.
A. sp.? (?rufata dark var.) 1 [[female symbol]] 17 seg. ant.
A. sp.? (? large vulgaris} 1 [[male symbol]], 24 seg. ant.


19.10.37 cont.  Brown Hall, ED. cont.

Dacnusa aphanta  1 [[male symbol]].
D. gilvipes  1 [[female symbol]].
D. elegantula  1 [[female symbol]].
D. ovalis  1 [[female symbol]].
D. melanocera  1 [[female symbol]].
Aphidius arundinis Hal. ?  1 [[female symbol]].
Aphidius sp.  [[male symbol]], 16 seg. ant.
A. callipteri ?  1 [[male symbol]], 13 seg. ant.

19.10.37 aft.  Scrub of Trawalua, Co. SL., as before.

Hemiteles sp.  1 [[male symbol]] only about 2 mm. total length.
Stilpnus gagates ?  1 [[male symbol]].
Plectiscus sp.  1 [[female symbol]].
P. ? same sp.  1 [[female symbol]]
Pantisarthrus sp.  1 [[male symbol]].
Apanteles fulvipes or pallipes ?  2 [[female symbol, female symbol]], on same card.
Blacus trivialis ?  1 small [[female symbol]].
Opius irregularis  1 [[female symbol]].
Opius geniculatus  1 [[female symbol]].
O. apiculator ??  1 [[male symbol]].
Alloea contracta  1 fully winged [[female symbol]].
Alysia tipulae  1 [[female symbol]].
Aspilota rufata ?  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]] & 3 dark [[female symbol, female symbol]].
A. (Synaldis) distracta ?  1 [[female symbol]]
Dacnusa pubescens  2 small [[female symbol, female symbol]].
D. confinis Ruthe?  1 [[female symbol]].
Aphidius sp.  1 [[male symbol]], 16 seg. ant.
Proctos, 4 = 
Chalcid 1 =

NB.  For 20th Oct. 1937 see p.180 ante! [[left arrow]]