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10-12th March 1938.  Almost perfect summer days, with a great deal of really hot sun.  On 12th wind E. & breeze cooler.

13th March 1938.  A most perfect summer's day, except that in Glenasmole there was a very strong wind blowing right down the glen, with small "white-horses" on both reservoirs.  Not a cloud in the sky all day, sun intense out of the wind.
At 10 AM. saw a fresh [[male symbol]] Andrena gwynana in back garden, 14 Clareville Rd., DU.
At 11.30 drove to Glenasmole.

13.3.38 cont.  12 noon till 3.0 P.M.
Glenasmole, Co. DU.

Spent most of time in 3rd coomb on E. side of lower reservoir, where the big slip of March 1937 destroyed all the lower part of coomb, but no change since then & upper bee-bank un-harmed.
Slips in 2nd coomb not so serious & bees unaffected.
Tortoiseshell & Peacock Butterflies seen
Also Tiger Beetle flying about bee-banks.


13.3.38, cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Bombus terrestris  1 [[female symbol]] seen by M.D.S. near Moore's
Bombus lucorum [[female symbol, female symbol]] frequent, most "searching".
Bombus jonellus  1 [[female symbol]] covered with pollen at [[male symbol]] willow & seemed to be working.
Andrena clarkella [[male symbol, male symbol]] abundant & some [[female symbol, female symbol]] in both coombs & on banks in fields above E. end of upper dam.
A. Apicata [[male symbol, male symbol]] abundant & several [[female symbol, female symbol]] in 3rd coomb at usual bank.  One very fresh [[female symbol]] kept.
Nomada leucophthalma [[male symbol, male symbol]] in several places.  Also 1 [[female symbol]].  One [[male symbol]] & one [[female symbol]] kept.
Pimpla elegans  1 [[female symbol]] on laurel by foot-bridge (M.D.S.) probably just out of hibernation:  not kept.
Chalcid seen on laurel also.