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23rd March 1938.  A beautifully sunny day but rather strong wind down the Glen.

Glenasmole, Co. DU.  2.0 till 4.0 P.M.

Sawfly:  Pachynematus obductus ?  1 [[female symbol]] (rather large) swept in shelter of bushes on W. end of upper dam.
1 small black Ich. [[male symbol]] = Hemiteles aperta ?
Aspilota nigrescens  1 [[male symbol]]
A. (Synaldis) agrees with parvicornis but very large & with 23-seg. antennae.  1 [[male symbol]].
Proctos. 6. = Galesus (2)
All swept under trees near Moore's or on upper dam in shelter.

[North Bull Co. DU. 31/3/38.  E. O'Mahony.  1 [[male symbol]] black Campoplegid: no areolet: = ]

One Chiff-chaff heard, but O'Mahony who was in Glenasmole on 20th reported them as common on that date.

Owing to bad weather on my days off I was not out again hunting until 3rd April [[right arrow]]


1st April 1938.
George & M.D.S. saw a Small White Butterfly in garden & 1st White Saxifraga opened flower in front garden.

3rd April 1938.  After a depression on 2nd, a very fine sunny day;  but spoiled for insects by very strong & cold NNW wind, blowing right up the glen.  Hardly did any collecting!

Glenasmole, Co. DU.
With -- Rutledge after badgers "ewarths", but none found.

[Sand Martins seen by Dodder below Bohernabreena at 4 P.M.]

Bombus lucorum & jonellus [[female symbol, female symbol]] frequent.
B. lapidarius  1 very fresh [[female symbol]] in 3rd coomb.
Andrena apicata & gwynana a few [[male symbol, male symbol]] only in 3rd coomb.
A. clarkella  1 [[female symbol]] "digging";  none seen working in 3rd coomb.
Halictus rubicundus  1 [[female symbol]] seen, with last.
Nomada leucophthalma & Salius fuscus [[male symbol, male symbol]] & [[female symbol, female symbol]], common, with last.
Colpognathus celerator ?  1 [[female symbol]], on bee-bank, with last.
Sawfly: = Nematine sp.? = Pachynematus apicalis!  A.W.S. 1942 after comparison with [[female symbol]] sent by R.C. Faris to Benson, verified by R.B. Benson, 11.3.43.  1 [[female symbol]] swept on blat above 3rd coomb, where grass, rushes, &c.