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24/4/38 cont.  Glenasmole, Co. DU. cont.

Salius juscus  [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 1.
Vespa vulgaris & rufa seen

Violet click-beetle [[male symbol]] at 1 = 
Daddy-long-legs, grey, black spotted abdomen  1 [[female symbol]] amongst rushes above 3rd coomb at 1.

Dolerus gessneri  [[male symbol, male symbol]] at 1, not kept.
D. aeneus  [[male symbol, male symbol]] not kept.
Allantus tener ?  1 [[male symbol]] at 1?)
Allantus carpini ?  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
Tomostethus luteiventris  [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 1.
Nematine sp.?  1 [[female symbol]] at 1 = Priophorus tener [[checkmark]] R.B. Benson. 11.3.43.
Gen. et sp. ? 1 [[female symbol]] swept under trees just below spillway at 2.  (See also 13/5/38, when 4 more taken west of lower reservoir) = Empria pulverata [[checkmark]] A.W.S. 22/5/38.

Phaeogenes scuellaris ?  1 [[female symbol]], var. with front coxae nearly black, but a white spot on each side of scutellum, at 2.
Ichneumon stramentarius ??  [[female symbol]] seen on lower dam
Proscus suspicax ?  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
Cryptus fibulatus or moschator var. ?  1 [[male symbol]], at 1.
Hemiteles  1 [[female symbol]], at 1
Pimpla [[male symbol]], black hind legs & twice "ansgebrechtet" front femora at 1. = P. 
Picrostigeus recticauda  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.  Also ? 1 [[male symbol]] with same at 1.
Stenomacrus ridibundus  1 [[female symbol]]
S. sp.? 1 [[[female symbol]], cf tritis ?? at 1.
S. cf. merula  1 [[male symbol]] at 2, with black legs.


Glenasmole, DU. cont.  24/4/38.

Anomalon ?  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
Thersilochus ?  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
Phobocampa ?  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
Plectiscus ?  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] at 2, 21 & 22 seg. ant. resp.
Plectiscus ?  1 [[male symbol]] at 1, 20-seg. ant.

Exothecid 1 black [[female symbol]] at 1, very near Bathystomus [[?fernestus]] Hal., but differs somewhat in almost interstitial recurrent nerve, redder legs, &c.
Phaenocarpa galatea Hal.  1 [[male symbol]] on Salix at 1; in glade.
Aspilota rufata  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
A. nigrescens ?  1 [[male symbol]] at 1 with 23 & another with 19-seg. ant. at 2
A. cf sylvatica ??  1 [[female symbol]] at 2, 20-seg. ant. like this but terebra either pulled in or too short.
A. sp. ?  1 [[male symbol]], long slender 23-seg. ant.:  ? [[male symbol]] of last: at 1.
A. (Synaldis) parvicornis  1 [[male symbol]] at 1, 1 [[female symbol]] at 2.
A. concolor ?  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
Dacnusa laevipectus ? 1 large dark [[male symbol]] at 2, with dark legs & 25-seg. ant.
Ephedrus lacertosus  1 [[male symbol]] 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 1 & 2.
Monoctonus caricis  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
Praon abjectum  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
Proctos  2 at 1, & 1 at 3.