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1st May 1938.  Strong & very cold E. wind, sunny in afternoon, dull in morning: a very harsh day.  Did not go out in morning:  went by bus to Bohernabreena & walked up Glenasmole, by E. side of lower reservoir & back via upper dam & Moore's.  Insects scarce.

Glenasmole, Co. DU.  3.0 till 6.0 P.M.
1 = top of coombs E. of lower reservoir, mostly swept under larch & in corner of fields sheltered from winds or off Salix & birth in "willow glade".
2 = under trees near Mr. Moore's garden & between that & river;  below upper dam.

[15 from 1 & 4 from 2 labelled 3.12.39;  a few labelled before this! A.W.S.]

Antaeon  1 [[male symbol]] swept at 2: none seen at 1
Alomya debellator  1 large, red, [[male symbol]] seen in larch grass, at 1.
Hemiteles  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
Cratocryptus ??? 1 [[male symbol]], white fact at 1 =
Homocidus subopaca  1 [[male symbol]] swept at 2.
H. dimidiatus ?  1 small [[male symbol]] swept at 2, with last.

Plectiscus ?  1 [[female symbol]] at 1, 20-seg. ant.
Bathystomus funestis ?  1 [[female symbol]].

[[marginalia]] Many Swifts seen at Bohernabreena & lower reservoir: none in Dublin.
Almost all sent to B.M. [[/marginalia]]


1.5.38 cont.  Glenasmole, Co. DU. cont.

Euphorus picipes ? 1 at 1.
E. similis ?  1 at 1.
E. pallidistigma  1 at 1.
Opius caelatus Hal.  1 [[male symbol]] swept at 2.

Alysia truncator ?  1 [[male symbol]] at 1, swept in willow glade.  {1 [[female symbol]] taken here on 8/5/1938 & sent to Nixon.
Phaenocarpa galatea  1 [[female symbol]]

Aspilota rufata  1 [[male symbol]], at 1;  another [[male symbol]], swept at 2
A. vulgaris ?  1 [[male symbol]], 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]]


Ephedrus  1 [[male symbol]] swept at 2.

Scelio  1 at 2.
3 Serphids at 1 (all sent to B.M.)
Sawfly: = Lygoeonematus laricis  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.

[A [[male symbol]] Dolerus plaustris taken at head of upper reservoir in Glenasmole on 8/5/39 by E. O'Mahony.]