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8.5.1938 cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Aspilota spp. (only 1 kept) 
= A. grandipennis ?  1 [[male symbol]] at 1: very large, 28 seg. ant., but 2nd cubital cell very short & deep.

Dacnusa bellina  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] kept from 2:  [[male symbol]] has very large mandibles?
D. areolaris frequent (none kept).
D. pubescens ?  1 [[female symbol]] at 1
D. laevipectus ?  1 [[male symbol]] & 1 [[female symbol]] at 1;  also 1 [[male symbol]] at 2 (kept).
D. stramineipes  1 beautiful [[male symbol]], with very yellow tail, at 1

Monoctonus caricis 1 [[male symbol]] at 1 (not kept).
Aphidius none kept but frequent
Proctos, very scarce: only a very few seen & only 1 Playtgaster ? (from 1) kept = Platygaster with expanded seg. 3 of antennae, from 1.


13th May 1938.  Very strong S-SW wind, with slight drip at times, but no real rain:  mild.

Went by 2.30 bus to Bohernabreena & walked up Glenasmole.  Very difficult to get shelter there, otherwise could have come home loaded with insects.

Glenasmole, Co. DU.  2.30 till 6.0 P.M.
1 = W. side of lower reservoir
2 = area above lower reservoir & below upper dam i.e. path from Moore's to upper spill-way, area between Moore's garden & river & along shore of same back to road along lower reservoir, the last being quite new ground for me.

All insects swept & nearly all packed up for B.M.  [20 from 1 & 13 from 2 kept & labelled 9/12/39, others previously labelled! A.W.S.

No aculeates seen but a few [[female symbol, female symbol]] Bombi:  no [[juvenile symbol, juvenile symbol]] yet seen.

Sawflies.  Dolerus niger 1 huge [[female symbol]] at 1.
Empria  1 [[female symbol]] sent to BM.
= Empria pulverata [[female symbol, female symbol]]
Gen. et sp. ? resembles St. lineatus:  4 [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 1.  3 kept, 1 sent to BM.  Same as [[female symbol]] taken on 24/4/38.
Sp. ? 1 black [[female symbol]]; orange stigma at 1 = Lygaeonematus laricis  1 [[female symbol]]