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25.5.38 cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Proctos, about 12 to 15: all but one sent to BM.
That kept from 2 =
Coleoptera, 2 at 1 =

26th May 1939.
Coelinius niger ?  1 [[male symbol]] taken by E. O'Mahony at Dollymount, Co. DU.

29th May 1938.  A glorious morning early, turning dullish about 10 A.M., then fine again till 2 P.M. when wind vered to S, later SE, temperature fell & rain came on & ended collecting.  Very wet from 6 P.M. onwards.

Glenasmole, Co. DU.

Late in arriving owing to bus being full.  Took 11.30 Tallaght bus to Old Barn & walked up to head of upper reservoir without collecting, where overtook E. O'Mahony & Stanbridge collecting Pelophila borealis under stones on mud flat - which beetle they had recently discovered there.  After lunch swept round edge of mud flat, then crossed water-channel from Slade Brook & swept plantation on W. side of same (new ground to me) (= 1) just before rain came on.  [[strikethrough]] Later tried [[/strikethrough]]


29/5/38 cont.  Glenasmole, Co. DU. cont.

Later tried a little sweeping under trees just above, & below, the upper dam, but net soon soaked & had to give up.  A few insects taken off under side of leaves with sucker, but these few & far between (= 2)

bombus hortorum  [[female symbol, female symbol]] numerous at Rhododendron flowers.
B. lapidarius  1st [[juvenile symbol]] seen.
Vespa rufa  1st [[juvenile symbol]] seen by lower reservoir.

Arge fuscipes  a beautiful [[female symbol]] taken on grass head, near Hawthorn in flower, by lower reservoir, which on reaching home was found to have two "eggs" attached to apex of scutellum, which "eggs" very strongly resembled the "eggs" carried by [[female symbol, female symbol]] Polyblastid Ichneumonidae.

About 10 other sawflies swept, of which only kept -
Pteronidae melanaspis ?  1 [[female symbol]] at 1, another sent to BM.

[14 from 1 & 5 from 2, only kept & these labelled 23/12/39 & 2/2/40! A.W.S.]

Many icks out, but nearly all sent to BM & the following only kept:-
Cryptid  1 [[male symbol]], at 1 =
Hemiteles  1 [[female symbol]] at 1 (bicolorinus group, but all black).