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2.6.38 cont.  Donaghadee, Co. DO., cont.

Trioxys sp. 3 [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 3.
Proctos  1 at 1 =
1 at 2 =
1 at 3 =
Weevils: 1 black, at 2 =
1 mottled at 3 =

3rd June 1938.  
[[marginalia]] Very fine day,, but dull with E wind [[/marginalia]]
Left Donaghadee at 10 A.M.  My sister May (MacFlevaine) drove us to Belfast (via Bangor) where caught 12 noon train for Portrush, where motor took us to Red House Hotel, Portballintrae (formerly Wm. Traill's!).  After lunch walked to mouth of R. Bush, across footbridge & up rt. bank of rises to lime-kiln just above tramway bridge.  Very little changed since 1898 (when I last stayed at Bushfoot).  Then walked across sandhills 


3.6.38 cont.  Bushfoot, AN., cont.

to the stream & back via strand.  Swept along Bush river from footbridge to lime-kiln (= 1) & by stream in dunes near Giant Causeway end of dunes (= 2).

Bushfoot, Co. AN.  3-6 PM.
Rt. bank of R. Bush = 1
Sandhills & marsh by stream = 2.

[10 from 1 & 23 from labelled 2/1/40; some few "bobbies" previously labelled & put away! A.W.S.]

Scirpus pauciflorus (no [[?aern]] on sheath) fide J.P. Brunker

Bombus lucorum & agrorum  [[female symbol, female symbol]] seen.
B. muscorum  2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] seen.
Halictus rubicundus  1 [[female symbol]] seen by path along cliffs.
Tenthredopsis nassata  1 black & very red [[female symbol]] at 1.
Stenodontus marginellus  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]] at 2.

Cryptid, long petiole: 1 small [[male symbol]] at 2: =
Cryptid  1 very nice [[female symbol]] with striate basal segements (not [[? spinosies!]]) at 1 - not seen 2/1/40! AWS.

Pimpla similis ?  2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 1.