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5.6.38 A.M. cont.  Bushfoot, AN., cont.

Polyblastus sp.?  1 [[male symbol]], no areolet, red, at 2.
P. ??  1 [[male symbol]], with, red, at 2, class look not pectinate?
Apanteles black sp., [[male symbol]], milky wings, at 1.
Perileptus 1 [[male symbol]], at 2, 22-seg. ant.
Centistes lucidator 1 [[male symbol]] at 2.
Blacus trivialis  1 [[female symbol]] at 1, in dunes:  a small [[female symbol]], with rather stout ant.
Opius [[strikethrough]] parvulus [[/strikethrough]] caesus ?  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], very small, at 2.  [I now consider these are merely dwarf caesus & certainly are not parvulus.  AWS. 11.e.1941!]
O. irregularis  1 [[male symbol]] at 2, small, only 23-seg. ant.
Aspilota cf. vulgaris  1 [[female symbol]] at 2, but rather large, & with 20-seg. ant.
Dacnusa maculipes  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
D. areolaris ?  dark-legged form!  1 [[female symbol]] at 2.
D. ? cytherea  1 [[male symbol]], with 24 (broken!) seg. ant., small, with all red legs.
D. striatula  1 fine [[male symbol]] at 2, 30-seg. ant.
D. sp. near esbelta, 1 [[male symbol]] at 2, with 30-seg. ant., & widely rejected recurrent & short broad 1st abd. segment.
Chaenusa conjungens  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]], on same card, at 2.
Proctos. 3: = 


5.6.38 Afternoon.

Did a little sweeping on rt. bank of R. Bush between mouth & tram-bridge & just above same before heavy shower;  later walked across fields & by lane to Bushmills - Giant's Causeway road & here took a few icks on Sycamore leaves & in ditch on return journey;  also swept flower heads of Anthriscus sylvestris.

Bushfoot, Co. AN.
3 = right bank of river (as above).
4 = lane through plantation at Dundarase (McNaughton's place!).

[7 from 3 & 16 from 4 labelled 7/1/40;  one or two previously labelled.  AWS.]

Bombus agrorum  [[female symbol, female symbol]] only seen: a few.
Strongylogaster lineata 1 [[female symbol]] swept off bracken between 3 & 4.
Stenichneumon rufifrons  1 at 4.
Melanichneumon  1 [[male symbol]] at 4.
Exolytus or Atractodes ?  1 [[female symbol]] at 3.
Hemiteles  1 [[female symbol]] at 3.
Stenichneumon cf. tristes ?  1 [[male symbol]] at 4.
Mesoleius ?  1 [[male symbol]] at 4.
Diaparsis ?  1 [[male symbol]] at 4.