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26.6.38 cont.  Woodbrook, near Emo Park, QC. cont.

Proctos.  1 at 1  (Diapriid with lovely orange antennae) & 1 at 2.
Chalcids:  3 at 2.
Beetle.  Ptilinus pectinicornis
Bug. 1 = 

29th June 1938.  A showery day with strong W-NW winds:  everything very set after two heavy showers when we arrived at Glenasmole, but no more rain till we left.  All collected swept where possible under trees between Moore's & upper dam;  mostly under trees near his house.

[[stamp]] GLENASMOLE DU. A.W.S. 29 6 38 [[/stamp]]  Glenasmole, Co. DU., 2.30 - 5.30 P.M.
[21 kept only & these labelled 10/2/40! A.W.S.]

Vespa norvegica  1 [[male symbol]].
Adelognathus brevicornis ?  1 [[male symbol]]
Phaedroctonus transfuga ?  1 [[female symbol]].


29.6.38 cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Clinocentrus vestigator  1 [[female symbol]] typical!
C. vestigator var. ? entirely fuscous stigma, narrower, longer, 2nd cubital cell.
Microgaster = Diolcogaster marginatus 1 [[male symbol]]:  seems certainly this species, as understood by Marshall.  AWS. 11/2/1940!
Euphorus fulvipes ? 1 [[male symbol]] ?
Meteorus fragilis 1 [[male symbol]].
Opius spretus 1 [[male symbol]], 31-seg. ant., yellow legs, &c.
Adelura florimela
A. apii
Dacnusa eros ? 1 [[male symbol]], 37 seg.-ant.
D. sp. near ovalis 1 [[female symbol]], 28-seg. ant., red 2nd abd. seg. &c.
D. melanocera 1 [[female symbol]], 24-seg. ant.
D. abdita ? 1 [[male symbol]], 33-seg. ant.
D. evadne 1 [[male symbol]], 29-seg. ant. & 1 [[female symbol]] with 31-seg. ant.
D. sp.? like a small abdita, but ant. only 7-seg., pleurae with faint trace of cunate sternauli, post-scutellum with a distinct spine as in Oenone.  A.W.S. 11/2/1940! - NB. Thomson describes a sp. with a spine!
Ephedrus lacertosus 1 [[female symbol]].
Trioxys betulae ? 1 [[female symbol]]: possibly a pale variety of this?