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3rd July 1938.  A fine day with much sun in afternoon, after a dull morning & a heavy shower.  Drove to Ferns Lock, then to Agher & on to Trim, all Co. Meath.  Swept roadside (sunk ditch) 1 mile N.W. of Ferns Lock;  plantation S.E. of Agher demesne & roadsides;  & R. Boyne (left bank) at Newtown & (right bank) at railway viaduct 1 & 3 miles, respectively, below Trim.

Roadside 1 mile N.W. of Ferns Lock, on road to Agher, Co. ME.  12.30 till 1.0 P.M.
[[stamp]] FERNS LOCK ME. A.W.S. 3 7 38 [[/stamp]]
[26 kept & these labelled 12/2/40! A.W.S.]  [[stamp]] FERNS LOCK ME. A.W.S. 3 7 38 [[/stamp]]

Anteon  1 [[male symbol]], very small.
Atractodes  1, reddish
Pezomachus  1 [[female symbol]], red & black.
P. sp. [[male symbol]], very small, black.
Stenomacrus cf. merula ? 1 [[male symbol]].
Exochus separandus 1 [[female symbol]] ?
Myriarthrus rufipleuris ? 1 [[male symbol]].


3.7.38 cont.  N.W. of Ferns Lock, ME., cont.

Bracon discoideus ? 1 [[male symbol]].
B. epitriptus ? 1 [[female symbol]], var. with pale legs.
Rhyssalus  1 [[male symbol]]
Apanteles lateralis ? 1 [[female symbol]].
Blacus tripudians  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].
Diospilus speculator  2 [[female symbol, female symbol]].
Opius apiculator ?  1 [[female symbol]], small, with 24-seg. ant.
Panerema inops  1 [[male symbol]]
Aspilota rufata  1 [[male symbol]]
A. cf. grandipennis? 1 [[female symbol]], a very small specimen, with 20-seg. ant. ? this ?
Dacnusa pubescens ? 1 [[female symbol]], very small, 23-seg. ant.
Praon volucre ? 1 [[female symbol]].
Aphidius ersi or avenae ?  1 [[female symbol]].

Proctos.  4 =