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12.8.38 afternoon 4.30 till 6.0 P.M.
Lough Eske Castle, Co.WD.

Mainly swept along "inland" side of road running from NW corner of castle demesne along W. side of Lough Eske for a mile;  a very few on shore of Lough or in plantation at NW. corner of demesne. 
[53 keft & these labelled 29/3/1940! AWS.] 

Centeterus opprimator?  1♀. Pezomachus  1♀
Stilpnus  1♂ Acrodactyla degener  2♀♀.
Orthoatigma marginatus?  1♂. 
Stenomacrus cephalotes?  2♀♀
Stenomacrus exserens? or Picrostigeus setiger?}  1♀.
Homocidus obscuripens  1♂.
Aperileptus 1♀, small, 18 seg. ant.
Plectiscus?  1♂ 22 seg. ant.
Thersilochid??  1 small♀, short, clubbed 20.seg. ant. reddish.

Bracon 1♂. Heterogamus dispar 2♂♂.
Rhogas 3♂♂, with 45,40 & 39. seg. ant. respectively = R. nigricornis, ant 45, largest. R. sp.
& R sp. Apanteles umbellatarum?   1♀
Opius flaviceps n. sp. 1♀, yellow head & cheeks striate 2nd abd. segment, 30-seg-antennae, &c, pale anal segments. AWS. 30.3.40.
Trachyusa aurora, 1 fine ♂. Pentapleura pumilio, 1 very small ♀ 
{Phaenocarpa conspurcator  1 tiny ♀, with only 23. seg. ant. 
{Ph. conspurcator  1♂, just twice the bulk of the ♀. 


12.8.38, aft. cont.  Lough. Eske, WD.; cont.

Aspilota 3♂♂, 2♀♀, as follows:- Aspilota cf. viatica 1♂, 1♀, both with 23. seg. antenneae; rather large.
A. sp. (cf. surcularia) 1 small ♂, 19. seg. ant.  A. sp. (cf. vulgaris 1 small ♂, 21. seg. ant.
A. (Synaldis) gracilipes, 1 [[strikethrough]] small [[/strikethrough]]♀, 21.seg. ant. 
Dacnusa sp. ?  6♂♂, 1♀, which look like small forms of laevipectus, but which have rich orange-testaceous legs, 23-24 seg ant. & hind tibiae slightly darkened apically. 

Dacnusa talaris  1 fine ♀
Dacumma evadne  1 fine ♂. (labeled Oct. 1938 A.W.S.).
Dacnusa siniffa  1 very nice ♂, with 29. seg. ant. 

Proctos. 15: =

Chalcids 1 =
Mymarid 1, large: =