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82. 11th Sept. 1938 A dull warm day with drizzle at time, in morning a repetition my [[?]] open. wind W and fairly strong. Very hot shelter, with very occasional gleam of sun. 

Drum via Enfield to Royal Canal aqueduct via R. Boyne, Co. ME, but collecting my difficult [[?]] to [[?]]' then drum on to Risindale, G. WH., 2 miles SSE of Rahanney, where reflected in lee of tree - felt for an hour or more, then home via Ballivon and Summerhill.

12:30 till 2:00 PM
Royal Canal, where this crosses R. Boyne, Co. ME. after winds swept along S. edge of canal, some more in marsh and under Lodge in field SW. of railing viaduct and near wind, when left car. [20 Reft and them Rebelled 19/11/40 or before A.W.S.]

Cleniscus auriflum

D. ??

83. 11.9.38 cont. Royal Canal, Co. ME. 

Opius caesus
O. eailis 25 seg. amt., legs brilliant [[?]]

Dacvusa cortipalpis ? by canal (?)
D. diremlia 
D. arevlaris
D. maculipa
D. laesipuctus
D. pubescen
D. siniffa
Dinusa merella ?
D. esbelta l fins

Chaenusa empunjen

Chedrus rabides wth. in same card.

Aphidius arundinis very nice specimen!    


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