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RIVERDALE.  A.W.S. WH. 11 9 38

11.9.38  Afternoon  3.0 till 4:15 P.M.
Riversdale, 2 miles SSE  of Raharney, Co. WH. - Should be Riverdale!  AWS. 21/11/40.

RIVERDALE.  A.W.S. WH. 11 9 38
All swept E. of road where it passes under trees some under tree-belt, but almost all along sides of drain separating tree-belt from boggy field to E.  
42 kept & these labelled 21/11/40!  AWS.

Stilpnus gagates?  1♀
Microcryptus??  1♀
Pezomachus  1♀, small
Stenomacrus intermedius?  1♂
Promethes scutellaris  1♂
Cteniscus  1

Rhyssalus  1♂
Blacus ruficornis  2♂♂, 2♀♀
Biosteres impressus  1♂
Alloea contracta  1 fully winged ♀
Phaenocarpa livida  1♂
Adelura sylvia  1 nice ♀, 37-seg. ant.
Orthostigma  1♀, with well-marked stigma, large much widened head, stout very red petiole, 21-seg. antennae, almost or nearly as long as the body = pumila Nees?


11.9.38, cont.  Riverdale, WH., cont.

Aspilota nigra miki  1 nice ♂, 26-seg. ant.
A. parapsidalis miki  1 fine [[male symbol]], 25-seg. ant., with rugose prododeum & well-marked parapoidal furrows, though these not quite so strong as in type ♂ from Birney's Bog, CV., 5.7.34. R.C.F.
A. rufata  1♂, 18-seg. ant.
A. alua miki?  1 nice ♀, agrees well with series from Trawalua & has very curious smooth propodeum.

Dacnusa n. sp.? but unfortunately freshly enclosed & wings soft;  post petiole hairless, square with sharp projecting spiracles, 2nd abd. seg. pale, terebra exserted, antennae 32-seg., wings &c., all throw it into the areolaris group, no sternauli, large mandibles, &c. = D. tuberculata miki sp.11, AWS. 21.11.40

D. pubescens  1♂, 24-seg. ant.;  2♀♀, 23 & 24-seg. ant.; all very small
D. lestes??  2♀♀, short terebra, well-marked sternauli, "clubbed" stigma.
D. sp. like pubescens but well-marked sternauli, nevertheless terebra too long for lestes or confinis:  put near pubescents!  AWS 21/11/40.
D. areolaris or laevipectus?  1♂, very red legs, 23-seg. ant.
Ametria uliginosa?  2♂♂, with 26 & 27 seg. ant.

Proctos.  10.