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24.5.39 cont. Slade of Saggart, DU., cont.
(Proctos. cont.)

Chalcid 1 at 1 =

28th May 1939. Garden, Harold's Cross, DU.
Vespa austriaca 1♀, very fine specimen.
Clistopyga canberi Branns, 1♂
NB This is common in the pardon but hitherto regarded as a dark form of C. invitation.
Homocidu ? dard tricolor 1♂:

28-5-39. St. Annis, Clontarf, Co. Du. EO'M.
Ciphidius ophiffium "1♀ taken or a log irth" ants" by E,O'Mahong

Ballycerth Trip 1939: All Co AN.

3rd May 1939. The third my hot- & sunny day in sarcemion-
Left Dublin by 9-0 train & reached Ballycaster at 
2:28P.M., stayed at Mrs. Johnston's, "Borrormore",
(formerly the Bristor'shouse!) Linda Bunnamargy Abbey. 
In afternoon did some [[??]] along coast 
between Bath Lodge & Carrichmore, some above the 
road & some between road & sea, Co AN.
Bonbus lucorm & aporum, ♀♀, only scen. 
Andrina Jucata 1♂ on Veronica chamaedrys
[The folloing 17 specimens taken from "store", relaxed & set in Jan. 1941! AWS]
Empria pumila 1♂, 1♀
Earinus tuberculation? 1♂ Perilitus 2♀♀
I chnentes reunitor 3♂♂
Sigalphus caudatum? 1♀ opius apiculator? 1♂, with abnormally
Dacnusa postica 1♂, dark form! protuberant on pertcole spiracles [[sketched image]]
Dolirus aeneun 2♂♂, loderus palmatus 1♀. L. vestigialis 1♂
Charmodes motatorues 1♀ [I the above mentioned Andrena Jucata]

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