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31.5.39 cont. Rathlin Island, AN., cont.

Biosteres rusticius? 1♂, 36-seg. ant.

Aspilota (Synaldis) concolor? 1♂, 21-seg ant., very dark legs.

Dacnusa 1♀ of areolaris group, with reddish-testaceous legs & dark apices to hind tibiae, faint trace of sternauli & 25-seg. antennae; terebra withdrawn in shrinking but probably shortly exserted in life.
Dacnusa affinis?  A small ♂, yet with 26-seg.ant.

Dacnusa sp. n. near fallax Nixon:  1♂, 1♀, with 35 & 32 seg. ant. in hollow (brackish) between Church Bay & Ruecuit: same species as taken in lane near Dundarave, Bushfoot in 1938.
Chaenusa conjungens 1♂

Coelinius 1♂, 42-seg. ant. cf nigrescenus miki taken in brackish hollow above referred to under Dacnusa.
Praon  1♂, small, dark, 21 seg. ant.
Aphidius 1 very small ♂, 17-seg. ant., dark.
A. 1 larger ♂, 19-seg. ant., very dark legs


31.5.39 PM. Glenshesk, Co. AN.  8 P.M.

Under trees by stream w mile up Glenshesk, Co. AN.
[11 specimens only kept: these labelled 23/1/41!] 

Dolerus aeneus  1♀ : not kept.

Hemitiles?  1 red ♂

Promethes sulcator  ♂ : not kept.

Homicidus obscuripes  ♂ & ♀: not kept.

Aspilota rufata  1 nice ♂: 19-seg. ant. & very large head
A. vulgaris?  1♂, 1♀, with 22 & 19-seg. ant. resp. {a nice large pair!
Phaenocarpa picinervis  1♀.

Pentapleua pumilio  2♀♀: not kept.

Dacnusa aphanta - 1♀ kept, 
D. areolaris common - none kept.
D. pubescens √, small ♀, 25-seg. ant: with reddish antennae
Chaenusa conjungens  1♀.
Ametria uliginosa  ♂♂ amongst Glyecria by stream  3♂♂ kept.